Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Life As I Know It

Outgoing Mail -- Popcorn!
I didn't send the jar of popcorn but I did send popcorn mail to a movie loving pal.
A box of treats for a very special person and a bunch of handmade postcards. I was pleased with the way the typewriter postcard came out.
The Studio -- yes, it is a mess. Storing large sheets of paper and book tape isn't easy...
I had to drag everything out to decide what papers and tape to use to make the album for my Turkey/Italy photos....
I decided on these -- you like them? Upper left is the book fabric and the red flowers are for the cover
and inside is the other design. The two papers reminded me of both Italy and Istanbul. Both places has similar motif in papers and fabric.
Ready to start cutting -- gulp! You all know the rule, measure twice, cut once....
All finished -- except for drilling the holes for the screws to hold the whole thing together.
And then I get to start pasting ALL those photos into the album.
There has been a whole lot of photo editing going on around here.
After that rather large project, i opted for a smaller one. I had a little booklet sitting around that I altered to make a little NYC booklet. I'm trying to use all the ephemera from all my travels and make things!
I'll show you just a few pages from the little book.....
I love maps....
NYC Booklet
Always so much to do there...
I used to go to Chock Full o' Nuts way back in the day...and sit at the counter and have coffee and grilled corn muffins. We called it "Chock Full" and nary a Starbucks was in sight. Or even heard of.....
Worked in my studio a long time on Sunday and got quite a few things done and ready to mail out...
Loving those old yearbook pages. No, they are not mine....a little before my time.
Altered an old folding postcard I had been saving for a friend who is from - you guess it - Riverside California.
But the inside looks a bit different now -- I took out the postcards and collaged inside and tucked in a little booklet I made and a letter in a tiny red envelope.
I hope he likes it.

In fact, I have really been on a roll making lots of various little themed booklets to send out.
I'll show you next time!
It's been fun working on albums and booklets and collages and mail but
I am on jury duty this week so I don't know how much I will get done.
It depends on if I get hauled in to the courthouse.

What's everybody else working on these lovely Spring days?


  1. Wonderful things you are making with such artistic thought. What I love best are those papers! I am sorting alot in my studio and excited about the stacks of fun paper ephemera I will be using in collaging. It's Spring!

    1. Thanks, CJ! I have sooo much paper, having gotten a little over-excited at the last two Cavallini sales....I am banned from buying any more...

  2. You went from choosing paper to - voila - a book! It must be magic :)

    That is A LOT of photos! Do you have any magic left for getting them into your book? :)

    1. Kim -- art is like magic, isn't it? I do love the process as well as the end result.
      I made a dummy album first, editing and just putting photos on pages loose. Then I do the final project using double stick tape...that's the fun part.

  3. I love ALL of the mail you shared! The travel books look awesome. What a fun memory of those trips to have!

    1. Cindy -- thanks. I just love the travel books too. They do bring back so many memories when I flip through them. And they are helpful for sharing with friends who are going to some of the spots I've been to...
      (you get the cookbook?)

  4. That's alot of photos!!!!!!!! Will you even be able to lift the album. Love the typewriter piece and your travel books....xox

    1. I know, Corrine. Going digital has made me even more crazed than I was all those years using film and my darkroom.....

  5. Man, do I love a travel journal.
    Great stuff you have going on!

    1. Alia -- me too. You can whip one up from your recent art trip!

  6. That's a whole lotta creativity going on! You will never run out of ideas. So many good things I'm not sure where I should begin craving. :) You deserve a break.

    1. Thanks, Limner -- I hope I never run out of ideas. i guess i will have to re-cycle or re-purpose if I do!

  7. A lot of gorgeous treats! My fav has to be Chock full' o Nuts :-)

    1. Marie -- thanks. i like that one too. Thanks for commenting.

  8. Fun stuff, Pamela- WOW! Will we ever get tired of making mail art? Heck No! Those little booklets are adorable. I'd like to make some more, myself. If only I had more time- and now the SUN is out. Yikes!

    1. Millicent -- don't worry I'm sending you another type of little booklet soon....go play while the sun is out! Tired of mail art? Heck No!!!

  9. That paper is so elaborate it looks like fabric!! Love it. :-) And obviously I love the popcorn theme.

  10. Such beautiful papers! I would love those in fabric form. :)

    1. shams -- i know, they are lovely, aren't they? the book fabric for the spine is a sort of fabric but not good for clothes....

  11. I love, love, love the typewriter postcard!! Did you make that or can I find it somewhere? Great post!

    1. sweetrsyl -- so happy to hear you like the typewriter postcard -- I made it! I was thinking I'd sell some typewriter notecards and postcards on my soon to be opened ETSY shop. Good idea?

  12. What a nice and inspiring NY booklet :D I also love maps, by the way ;)

    1. Elisabeth -- did you see the origami booklets I make with maps I pick up when traveling? Nice to share a map interest with you. I buy old ATLAS books and tear them them up for art.

  13. such gorgeous papers and book cloth, and such a gorgeous resulting book. just another of your many many talents! all of my creative energy has been going into the class I'm taking. haven't managed any mail art or collages for my 365 challenge in a month!

  14. Karen -- don't worry -- you can't do everything and you are supposed to be putting all your energy into your class.

  15. An inspiring post as always! :) Goodness! You certainly have a lot of photos to add in your traveling album. Can't wait to see some of the pages from that album/journal. :)

    1. Jacqueline--thanks for the nice comment. I did get a bit carried away shooting photos but they are my favorite travel souvenirs, along with paper ephemera. I don't really "shop" much so I love the photos of the things I didn't buy.....

  16. Wonderful things! You're very creative! I wish I was. :?
