Monday, April 29, 2013

My New Best Friend

American Typists are Swinging!

New addition in my art studio.....

This beauty moved in on my birthday -- extra wide carriage and SCRIPT keys.
I think this one looks like it just rolled onto the showroom floor. Someone either didn't use it much or took really, really good care of it.

I am in love. I bought these large joss paper sheets a while back thinking I could type on them
and they wouldn't fit into my Royale typewriters carriage....
Well, they sure fit in this one! Having great fun typing jumbo letters....
Have you noticed how red and black just seems to go so well with typing?
And I bet this babe knows all the tricks.
Tricks like how to clean your typewriter....and where to buy ribbons....
World's greatest Typists are mostly MEN?
I'd put my mom up against any of them. And I'm a pretty fast two fingered typist myself.
I refused to take any typing classes in high school because no way was I
going to work as a secretary. 

But now that I think of it, playing with typewriters and rubber stamps and office products  might have been a lot of fun.....
Funny, someone in a shop recently told me, ten years ago he "couldn't give a typewriter away" and now they are all the rage. Well, among the mail art and letter writing crowd that is.

Fabulous Photos of Typewriters Back in the Day

Be sure to click this link and see some absolutely beautiful vintage photos of typewriters.
Lovely blog too. Leave a comment for my friend Abraham if you like the typewriter photos.

Tell him I sent you.
And, if you look closely at the photos you'll see my Smith Corona Classic 12 -- with the extra wide carriage in one
of the photos.
Could that one be mine?
There is just something so comforting about a typewriter, don't you think?

A Typewriter Book to put on your Wish List

Here's another link to click -- UpperCase Magazine is going to put out a book all about our favorite machines. You won't want to miss it.
I already sent in my contribution. And I hope you already know about UpperCase.

Well, time to go back to typing....I can't seem to tear myself away. My husband keeps laughing and calling me "Miss Steno Pool". I've been called worse.

How many of you have typewriters?



  1. I still have the typewriter I bought as a teenager! It's not even electric. :) That one is a beauty!

  2. Shams -- I just might have to come over and type on yours some cool that you still have it.

  3. Such a beauty! I never took to typing. I still hear my mom telling me with such exasperation, "There's no such thing as an artist. Be a secretary like your sister." I tried. My sister had a fabulous career as a secretary. I still have a wonderful life as an artist, who still prefers to use a wp, and admire typewriters from afar.

    Pamela, you have typewriter élan. I like the font you use. Your spacing is great, easy on the eyes . . . What's not to like about receiving typed mail? :) A nice post. And, I agree, typewriters have made a comeback. I am fond of the typewriter font on my Mac. I wish it had the same imperfections. You've summoned fond memories of my tortured time as a typing student. :D Thank you.

    1. Limner -- with handwriting as beautiful as yours you don't need to type! But it really is fun. I have a wonderful life as an artist too but I do love office supplies.

  4. When I took typing classes at the age of ten, the electric typewriter was "it", but we had (and still have) a regular typewriter and my mom said I had to take that one. So I guess I am one of the last students who got her "silver typing diploma" on a real! typewriter.

    1. TomoyoHime -- I really prefer the manual typewriters. I have an electric tucked away in the closet that I never use....Congrats on your typing diploma -- if I had one I would hang it on the wall over my desk.

  5. Very nice. I want one, too. I just had a flash back to my H.S. typing class. I got a D+ outa that class because I had jammed all four fingers on my right hand. I got stuck doing left hand drills for weeks- OMG. It was horrible! So, like you, Pamela...I can type pretty good with just 2 fingers.

  6. I had a collection of 3 typewriters at one point but am now back down to one. It was well loved by its previous owner and is missing a few letters, but it's nice to look at. Not sure I could part with it even if it doesn't type anymore. Glad you got one in such good shape and are having so much fun with it :)

    1. Cindy -- glad you are giving that old machine some love, missing keys and all!

  7. What beautiful machines!

    I bought two typewriters just last month. I can't wait to get them up an running! One is a l.c. smith bros. no 2 (back before Corona was called that) and the other was a small brand company in NC. The people in the antique store were laughing because I was so excited. They told me they wish they hadn't thrown their typewriters away!

    1. Allison -- oh the pain -- they threw typewriters away???? How horrible.So glad you rescued a couple. Have fun typing.

  8. Nice birthday present. It does look like it came right out of the box brand spanking are so right red and black does take me back to typewriters as a visual. xox

    1. Thanks for the comment, Corrine -- I will have to type something for you soon!

  9. Like you, I always SAID I could not type so I would not get stuck in a job that was just typing. This little white lie served me well, but I still loved my own typewriter. I took a portable with me on VIA across Canada from Vancouver to Montreal and felt so "smart and grownup" in my private roomette with my typewriter set up on the little pull-down table. The sound of the typewriter's click-click along with the train's click-clack, is a memory I will never lose.

  10. wow, I wish I still had my old typewriter :)

    1. OoooOoo too bad you don't have it - maybe you can find a replacement .....

  11. Hey Miss P-- Congrats on that new typer!! I believe it is the twin of mine!?! But your's looks like it just got made yesterday. I love that extra wide carriage too. You know I have a lot of typewriters (a-hem) but that's the only one that can fit those large papers. I know you'll have a blast with it. Love all your photos too! :) xoxo SW

    1. SallyW3000
      Does yours have an extra wide carriage too? How many typewriters do you have????

  12. While I didn't learn how to type on a manual I would give my eye teeth to have my old typing manual again. I learned how to type on IBM Selectrics back in the 70's. I can easily picture my typing manual and the typewriter. I've been thinking of trying to find an old manual myself. You've given me incentive. Happy Typing!

    1. I used an IBM Selectric when I worked at a bank -- loved it! Yes--I say get yourself an old manual and have some fun! It is fun -- trust me.

  13. swoon, indeed! I now have FOUR typewriters (2 manual, two electric) and none of them really work. time to find a place to service them. typing was a required class for everyone in my high school (early 80's) and so there was none of the baggage about being trained as secretaries. I'm very glad I learned how - it might be the skill I learned in high school that I've used the most!

    1. Karen -- are you anywhere near Cambridge, MA? There is a really good little shop owned by Tom Furrier there and he can fix your typers right up! In face, i got my Royale from him -- shipped cross country.

  14. I got an old Underwood for my birthday a few years ago, but have yet to order some ribbon for it. I really need to do that!

  15. Congratulations on your typewriter, Pamela! I know you will have hours of fun with it...the perfect birthday gift for you! I was just reading UpperCase magazine today...the stationery it! (Don't love the $18 price tag, though!)

    I took typing in high school, and I've always said that it was the best class I ever took. I type fast and relatively accurately, and it sped me through thousands of pages of papers in college! (and now blog commenting!)

    1. Andria -- Yes, that UpperCase is a good one. I subscribe and try to forget how much it costs.
      I'm happy your fingers are busy typing your lovely blog posts. Keep them coming!

  16. I type fast and relatively accurately, and it sped me through thousands of pages of papers in college!

