Thursday, May 16, 2013

They Let Me Out of the Studio

Sometimes you just need to take a break.....and go "thrifting"....
or, in this case, to SCRAP.
I wandered around for a while and didn't think it was going to be a good day for treasures at Scrap but I was so wrong.
Found these old gold foil lettersets -- I had these when I was a kid.

Rolls of stickers called out to me -- love those big, red bordered postal stickers...
and this book was on the FREE shelf.
Yes, I think I would like it. In fact, I would have paid for it -- but don't tell.

I mean, just look at these pages, can you picture handmade envelopes?

Mail art?
I think so........let the tearing begin...

And I got a pack of air mail envelopes and when I opened it at home there were LAX notecards inside too.

Letters!! Numbers!! Stick on!! Bring them on. (I should have bought more to share).

Another FREE find. I almost passed this pack by until I realized.....

.....the giant tags were not printed and they came with matching envelopes and ribbons...
Mail art purposes? Yes, I think so..

These folders were also free and since I am obsessed with making little booklets I figure these will work fine as covers (when I re-decorate them). You'll see.
Next post I will show you all the little booklets I've been making and mailing out.

The whole bag full  of stuff was $10.

I've been busy making mail art too -- here is a little Show & Tell.
Snail mail! (Snail Mail artistamps made by Mike Dickau.) He very generously sent me a sheet
and when I saw this foodie article on escargot I had to put two and two together. The woman working at the Post Office thought the snail mail was great and she hand-cancelled all the stamps for me. Even the artistamps. Let's hear it for cool postal workers!
I still love vellum. (In fact, these vellum envelopes are from  another trip to SCRAP a while ago)
Little booklet
Sneak preview of one of the booklets. Next time I will show you a whole bunch of them.
I'm obsessed.
Cutting, pasting, tearing, folding -- can't think of anything much better to do.

What's everybody out there working on?
Oh, and I have an idea for a swap too. Next time.

Send good mail -- Get good mail


  1. It's fun to see finds at Scrap through your eyes!

    1. shams -- we should go sometime. At least we won't fight over the same stuff since you like fabric and I like paper!

  2. Oh, Pamela, I know this obsession very well...
    We have a same illness. Incurable! :-)

    1. Planet Susannia -- oh yes -- isn't it wonderful? I will mail you a booklet on Monday -- made just for you.

  3. Great finds! I wish we had such shops here.
    By the way, how did it go with the shoe?

    1. The shoes?? TomoyoHime -- I am missing something here....

    2. The paper shoe, you sent it a while ago. With joss papers and such. ^^

    3. OOooooo right......the shoe traveled from SF to Chicago and arrived quickly and in perfect condition, which is more than I can say for some other mail. My pal got a kick out of getting it.

  4. What wonderful finds!! Now I want to go to the thrift store as soon as I leave work :-)

  5. We've got a SCRAP in Portland, so I know how exciting it can be. And the stuff costs next to nothing! You scored big-time.

    1. Carol -- you have a SCRAP in Portland? That I didn't know. I will be visiting in October and I will have to take a look. Thanks for telling me.

  6. Yes! Put up some new shelves in your art room. I LOVE all those goodies you found- great haul.

  7. Loving the fondue picture in Creative Entertaining. Just that kind of day over here. You picked up some great stuff. Next time I visit my daughter in SF, we're going to Scrap. Or...I might just send her over there as my agent!

    1. Wow! You have a daughter in SF? Who knew? Let's meet for coffee on your next visit. Scrap is hit or miss but worth checking out.

  8. Great scrap!!! freebies galore which I know you will be using every day. Love your vellum envelopes. xox

  9. What?!?! What is this Scrap place?!?! We don't have any sort of thrifting opportunities like THAT around here! And so much for free. You are a lucky duck. Fabulous!

    1. Andria--I did an earlier SCRAP post and posted the link to the website. You may have something like it nearby. I"m not feeling sorry for you -- I saw that post on all that fabulous stuff you picked up at the auction....I love the "lucky duck" funny..

  10. Replies
    1. Grammargal -- Scrap is a center for creative reuse loved by teachers and artists alike -- located here in San Francisco. Berkeley has a similar place and someone commented (above) that Portland has one too. Another friend goes to a similar place near Chicago so they are around. Try Google. And if you type in SCRAP in the Search box on my blog you will see anotherScrap post with a link and photos of the place. Good luck.

  11. such wonderful finds! I can just taste the glue on the backs of those letterset stickers.

  12. What a great haul for you!!! I envy your goodies!

    1. It was a lucky day at scrap.I think I'll go again tomorrow and see what I can turn up!

  13. You did score. Love the gold letters and all of the goodies, in fact.
