Monday, April 22, 2013

More Projects From My Work Table

Chinatown Book
Vintage Chinese booklet, vintage envelopes, joss papers, photographs
and hand dyed ribbon -- work in progress...

I thought I'd show you a few of the projects I have finished or that I'm working on.
I love wrapping them up in boxes or with ribbons. They feel like gifts to myself when I come across them on my shelves or tucked in the closet.

Chinatown handmade book project
I've been roaming around Chinatown for years (and years) taking photos, picking up firecracker wrappings and ephemera, hunting down vintage Chinese school booklets
and putting everything in books ....

Chinatown book
Crushed juice box, photos, vintage booklets...

Chinatown book
Here's a "green" page -- Happy Earth Day today.

Boston Journal,  handmade box, nature ephemera

Travel journal with box and leaves, pods and acorns picked up in the Boston Garden...

The box has lovely layers -- fall leaves on the bottom, then the journal and on top lots of pods and  acorns....
Opening it up and looking at all this brings back so many memories..

Turkey/Italy  Travel Journal
I keep a travel journal of some sort on every trip I take. Big or small. And I usually collage inside the journal and on pieces of watercolor too...

Turkey/Italy Journal

Collage from the Zurich airport....
Origami Folder
Folder made from Istanbul map to hold all the excess business cards, postcards, menus etc that didn't fit inside the travel journal.
I may make a box for all this to go into or just tie the whole darn thing up with a ribbon.
According to this nifty Postal Chart sent to me by Kelly P -- these smallish Chinese flash cards ( a library book sale find) are not to small to send thru the mail.
I hope that's right....Off they went!
There they go now -- some mail going out.
Outgoing Photo Collage Postcard
I made up some photo collage cards with one of my favorite subjects on it.
We all want mail art!
I'm not much for posting personal things on the blog, but as President Obama said in his speech the other night "It's been a rough week".
Watching the news about the events in Boston has been very painful.
My thoughts are with  everyone in the Boston area.
And I lost someone very special to me last week and a person whom I loved very much.
Make sure you tell the people you love that you love them.
I'm grateful I had that chance and would regret it if I didn't. You never really know what is going to happen in this world so don't go to bed mad -- or something to that effect.

So, you all take care of yourselves. make lots of art, send mail, hug people you love.
And thanks to all my friends who have sent me heartfelt wishes to feel better.


  1. Again, another post full of lovely pictures...I always so enjoy the projects you are involved with. So sorry for your personal loss last week. Such happenings really remind us of what is truly important in life. Do enjoy yours today!

  2. Love the typewriter collage and the Boston journal! <3

  3. Things are much better here in Boston, that ephemera box...marvelous. And all your red in your various project. xox

    1. Corrine--thank God things are better in Boston. You take care. Loved seeing you on Karen's blog.

  4. Love the idea about the little box. Do you make them yourself? Such a good idea too having a ribbon to tie it all together so when you come upon it again it's like a gift to yourself. You are inspiring, as usual. Thanks for sharing all this color!

    1. CJ--Sometimes I custom make a box and sometimes I cover a box I already have. Same with the booklets....Indeed, the ribbons help make these projects feel like gifts. And they look pretty too.

  5. am very sorry for your loss... I hope that you will be able to find peace in the memories you made with your loved one.
    I really enjoyed a peek at your treasures! Thanks!

    1. Thanks, elle -- appreciate your thoughts. Glad you enjoyed the post.

  6. Oh Pamela, I'm sorry to hear of your loss. There has been far too much sadness and pain this month. Hold your loved ones tight, indeed. Your Boston box is so lovely - I cannot resist leaves, acorns and pods and never tire of picking them up, no matter how many years I've lived here. (I'll add pinecones and beach stones to that list too...)

    1. Karen--I can't resist picking up all those same things...and you have a lot of pods and things we don't have here...
      Thanks for your kind words.

  7. Oh Pamela, I am so very sorry to hear of your loss. All my love and thoughts.

    1. Thanks so much, Alisa. Lots of kindness from my mail art and blogging pals have really helped.

  8. That's a lot of yumminess in one post. Love your journals!

  9. Where did my post disappear to? :( I took a picture of my book as I said. Hmm. Will mail it. Turn it into a postcard. :) Let me know if you've made one before. You seem to be eons ahead of us. :)

    Very nice. I especially like the typewriter keys. Typing gave me stomach aches. LOL. You have oodles of goodies!

    1. ?? I'm not sure what you mean Limner?? Let you know if I've made what? (Ok, the pain pills...i know....)

  10. What wonderful mementos you have in your books and memory boxes! I especially love the nature ephemera in these photos. I am sorry for your loss, Pamela, and am happy that you are finding peace and support from your friends.

    1. Many thanks, Andria. Appreciate your kind thoughts. Thanks for commenting. I bet you can pick up some nice nature ephemera in the fall where you are too.
