Thursday, March 28, 2013

Postcards and the Snow

Postcards from Boston!
They sure do have some cool postcards in Boston -- I loved these.
Can you see some have vintage stamps and airmail stripes on them?
I also got Boston Baked Bean, Clam Chowder and Lobster postcards.
Beantown is a good postcard town. Sorry this photo is a little blurry but  I think I was shivering from the cold.

Ok--now here is my question--how many of you would leave a nice, warm hotel room to go out in this?

And step over this slush?

And almost get hit from flying crud from THIS?

Just to get to this?
I would.....In fact, the miserable weather gave us an excuse to spend hours at the wonderful
Boston Museum of Fine Arts
The museum has a wonderful new wing and the collection is huge. Three cafes to choose from
and the postcard show.

Vintage French Postcard from the show showing a postcard shop in Paris. What I wouldn't give to be able to go back in time and shop there. My idea of heaven.
Just look at all those beauties.

There is a catalog available to buy of the show but sadly many of my favorite postcards aren't in the book.
Still, it is worth buying or getting from the library.
Postcard Fest
Now that would have been fun to go to......

Kind of nasty, don't you think?

If you are anywhere near Boston I highly suggest you get yourself to this show. There are over 500 cards in the show. It is really wonderful. And the museum is lovely and huge and you can easily spend most of a day there.
Especially if it is snowing.
Boston Outgoing Postcards
I got myself back to the room and had fun tearing and pasting and collaging on the backs of the postcards I bought.
No, I really can't leave well enough alone. Besides, it's fun.
OUTGOING Collaged Card
Here's a close-up of one...
Do I have to go back out AGAIN??? To the post box?? On the icy sidewalk?
Just to mail the postcards?
A certain person enticed me with the promise of a lobster dinner so it was well worth the trek
in the cold and snow.
This is not something I get to have in San Francisco.
This is the dress I wore out to dinner. How do you like it? Rather fetching, I'd say.

Next stop washington, DC and the Postal Museum.


  1. Oh do I ever wish I had been a little mouse in your pocket. It sounds wonderful. My favorite is your fetching dinner costume. Postcards are such FUN!!!!

  2. I'd have gone! I would! I would! Lucky you. :) good show. And lovely snow.

  3. LOL. Wow, you managed to have fun despite the horrendous weather! That postcard exhibit looks great though the cards with the women with caged mouths are rather chilling.

  4. The whole post makes me laugh! Lived in Boston for thirty years and went out in weather like that ALL THE TIME. Didn't like it but it was the price of living at the center of the world. Of course, now I live somewhere else and think this is the center of the world. I'm flying up there soon for a visit and hope I do not miss the postcard show. Now I will sign off and go bravely check the dates ...

    1. Oh! I hope you get to see the postcard show -- keep me posted. Yes, I know I am a California sissy.

  5. I can see you in the post card dress my dear....what's with those mouth cages - do they bite????? Nice Boston post. Yes, we do go out in that weather all the time. xox

  6. Great postcards, Pamela, but OMG that lobster!!! I've never seen anything like it.

  7. So love all your envelopes, postcards, gatherings of collage material and then seeing them displayed. So inspirational that I just up and go immediately to my drafting table and create something. Love the blog.
