Sunday, March 31, 2013

DC Details

Onward to Washington DC and the National Postal Museum.
Beautiful blue skies and blue banners on the museum.

Rather large and impressive building, don't you think? As it should be.

The building was once and post office. I can just picture the folks in old time dress lining up to buy stamps at these windows.

This is the way a post office should look.

A museum with a mail truck. And a postbox. And stamping stations. And free postcards.
Now this is a museum I can relate to.
Did I mention the free postcards?
And the stamping station?
This was my favorite exhibit....

I spent the most time in here looking at every stamp...

I thought of my mail art pal Alice S when I saw this. She has the largest stamp collection of anyone I know.

The beauty of this show is that they acknowledge mail art! Isn't this great?
I saw the work of several people I know.
And the store.......did you now you can buy this charming little book? I already had my copy but if I didn't I would have snapped one up. And a mail truck too.
I didn't play with dolls when I was little -- I played with mail trucks and lady letter carriers.
Stamp silk ties for the guys....
my guy wouldn't even think of wearing one but maybe someone would...
Some of my DC collaged cards. We stayed in the Foggy Bottom district. Isn't that name a riot?
I couldn't mail my cards here -- these are in the Postal Museum for display only. But they do have a
little post office right there and you can get a good postmark.
BLUE Skies
After the snow in Boston it was lovely to see the blue skies but it was just as cold!

I am going to show you what I made with all the paper ephemera I picked up
in my travels next time.
I've been busy!
Tearing & Pasting! 
So relaxing. An folding and taping.....

Thanks for all the birthday mail everyone.


  1. So glad you loved the museum! You'll have to come back after the new gallery opens in September -- it'll be on the first floor behind the postal counters featured above. :)

    1. Melissa -- I'd love another DC visit. Did you see Missive Maven is moving to DC?

    2. I did indeed! I'm looking forward to convincing her to come to the next letter-writing social we have at the Postal Museum. ;)

    3. You have letter-writing socials at the Postal Museum??? That is just so cool. I wish there was one happening the day I was in town. Keep us posted!

  2. Oh, I wish we had a museum like this.

  3. I loved that place too! Your photos brought me right back. What a gem of a museum. xox

    1. Corrine -- we should have one on the east coast too. I hear there is a postal museum in NYC but nothing like the one in DC.

  4. so cool that they have a mail art display!

  5. I would like to have a boyfriend who would were stamp ties <3

    1. My husband doesn't wear ties at all -- but I'd like a stamp scarf!

  6. Wow that place must have been a little piece of heaven for you! Your DC collages look amazing. I love the fact that there was mail art on display.

    1. Andria -- I loved the mail art display the best (of course). Glad you liked the collages. They are such fun to do....

  7. What a great trip, despite the nasty weather in Boston. I am debating whether or not I need some little postal figures. NEED being an overstatement in any case. But I do NEED a lobster, so I may have to make a trip anyway. Thanks for all of the lovely detailed photos. I love your blog; it's so fun to live vicariously.

    1. Christine H--you DO need a lobster! But you just had quite a trip yourself, didn't you?

  8. Playing with lady letter carriers... :-D

  9. Me, too, loved the A to Z exhibit. I wanted a sheet of those stamps but found out that they didn't exist! I visited with Juli last year, Cherry Blossom time. It was an awesome visit. I went again in the fall, and it was just as exciting. I'm a postal groupie!
