Monday, March 25, 2013

Coffee and Mail

Hello from San Francisco -- drinking my morning coffee and reading my mail.
Back from my travels and happy to find a lovely stack of mail waiting for me.
Thanks to all who sent me something.

Incoming Mail
Beautiful, isn't it? Almost makes coming home after a vacation worth it.

The Day Before
At the airport -- I travel a lot but I continue to be amazed at how quickly we can roam all over the world. Even if it does take hours in a cramped airplane seat.
Seriously, it is so lovely be in a completely different place so easily, relatively speaking.

I've got lots of share --- the fabulous postcard show at the Boston Museum of Fine Art.

Perhaps the less said about that the better. It wasn't all bad though. I cancelled the plan for walking in the afternoon and spend hours at the museum enjoying the postcard show and lunch.
The Postal Museum in Washington, DC
Very interesting place to visit and lots of free ephemera to pick up and mail off.
Working on some outgoing postcards in the hotel room in Boston.....(the day before the snow storm)
.....and working on more postcards in the DC hotel room.....
Boston collaged card -- I'll show you some more in another post.
Various Post Offices were visited.

And yes, there was food....

and more food......
Fabulous regional food is a close second to mail art....

Just wanted to check-in now that I am back.

I will work on posts  about the postcard show, Postal museum and various postal and mail related stories but I just might be lazy tomorrow since it's my birthday.
I plan on having too much fun.

In the meantime, I'd like to hear from all of you.
What are you sending out in the mails?

Send Good Mail -- Get Good Mail


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN ADVANCE! I might forget so I have to say it now. I am so good at forgetting birthdays, including my own. Maybe I have too many to remember, but it's the same with holidays. No matter. I hope you have the best birthday of your life!

    Interesting post. You have some kinda life lady. I'd rent it for a week if I could.

    1. Limner -- thanks so much. I just post the good stuff, trust me, I have a normal life with problems like anyone else. But I try to enjoy every day and every little thing -- like the great cup of morning coffee I am about to have. Thanks for your mail too.

  2. I hope you have a happy birthday!Thanks for sharing some pics and stories from your travels!

    1. Thanks, Elle Mental - always good to hear from you. More stories and photos coming up soon.

  3. I didn't realize you were going to be in my city! I would have loved to have shown you the Postal Museum. I'm glad you had a good time!

    1. Melissa -- oh! You live in/near DC? I do wish I'd known. i love meeting mail artists when i travel. It was a lovely city and I do hope to return. Maybe I'll see you next time.

  4. Glad to read you had a great time traveling (again) and that you are home safe. Do enjoy a delightful birthday and may you be blessed to have many more!

    1. Thanks, Linda--I love traveling so much, i think I'd turn around and leave tomorrow if I could. Thanks for the good wishes.

  5. welcome home and happy birthday. glad you survived the snow! I'll be in DC next month and I think I need to squeeze in a visit to the postal museum. (and no matter how many times I go to DC I can't help but giggle like a second grade boy over foggy bottom)

    1. Karen -- oh yes, go see the Postal Museum. It is a fun spot. I will post some photos of it to entice you to squeeze it in to your trip.
      We stayed in Foggy Bottom -- makes sense for people from San Francisco. I kept laughing at the name too. I thought I wanted a Foggy Bottom tee shirt but I kept thinking of the jokes that could be made and thought no....
      Are you going to Ben's Chili Bowl?

  6. Looks like it was a marvelous trip despite the snow....but then everyone has been getting snow obviously picked up lots of goodies in your travels you will be using for a while to make your fab mail art post cards.....enjoy.xox

    1. Corrine -- Actually the snow was kind of fun -- it an odd sort of a way. It was a terrific trip and Boston was delightful, as usual. I wish I was there longer than a day...

  7. Happy birthday! You came home to an amazing pile of mail! And what a neat trip...I look forward to hearing more about it. I'm impressed at how you keep up with your mail art while you are traveling, but I guess that makes sense when you are visiting postcard shows and such...can't help but be inspired!

    1. Andria--if I don't work on mail art/college I get severe withdrawal pangs. I love coming home after a day out exploring a new place and tearing up all the tourist brochures and making collages before heading out to dinner. This time I bought local postcards or picked up free ones and made little mini-colleges on the backs. Very fun.

  8. Happy Birthday!!!! It's your day to PLAY! I hope you have sunny skies and a full mailbox.

  9. Happy You day, what a nice trip you had. Great you got to the Postal Museum. I haven't been there enough and I live just down the pike. Look forward to seeing more of your photos from the trip. And I waved at you as you passed Richmond! I did. And aren't you happy you missed OUR freaky snow storm. See you in the mail.

    1. Mim--We really hope to visit again soon. So many historic buildings and places and such great local color. We left Sunday at 4PM praying the snow would wait till we took off and upon landing in SF I got cell phone photos of the snow in Petersburg from Kathy. See you in the mail.

  10. Nice incoming :) And it seemes like a really nice trip :) Happy b-day also :)
