Sunday, April 7, 2013

Mail Art Meet-up!

Things have been busy around here -- yesterday was our monthly mail art meeting of the
San Francisco Correspondence Co-Op.
And we had a job to do.....

We agreed to work on Tofu's Hide Art in a Book Project
and make small piece of art to send out into the world asking people to hide the art inside a book.
That's Tofu on the left-hand side in front. He comes up with the best ideas.

We all brought ideas and supplies and ephemera and got down to work.

No food or drink in this library conference room -- made it a little easier to concentrate -- but maybe not quite as much fun. We all like our snacks and treats.

A lovely surprise when Dori dropped in. She is visiting from Southern California and has been trading mail with GinaVisione in our group and commenting on my mail art FaceBook page so it was  really fun to meet her.
And I brought Millicent's fabulous hand sewn book ( a birthday present for me!) which Dori is holding -- and as it turn out, Dori and Millicent also trade mail art.
Small World!
Karen's Mail Me Art blog
is also something many of us have in common.
This wonderful work was made by Dori -- who just dropped in to the meeting with no idea of the project we were working on. I think she certainly caught on very quickly,
don't you?
Artistamps by Maureen and cool passport cover too.....

Maureen was busy pasting the stamps into our passports and signing and dating them.
This month's stamp was a beauty! Thanks, Maureen.

My supplies -- My idea for hiding art in book was to use some old library catalog cards and some of the "Due Date" stamps in art....(thanks for the supplies Kelly P and Jennifer U).

Here are some of my little finished collages. I will put them in glassine envelopes and send them out and ask that they get put into books to be found later on.

Anyone want one? Leave me a comment if you do and I will send them out until I run out.
If you like what you see, you can make some mail to hide in a book too.

Sally W is one of my favorite artists and she brought one very large sheet of joss paper and worked on it....

Then she cut it up into small pieces for the project....
I love how everyone's work is completely different. We set our pieces out and all walked around the table to see what each other made and it was remarkable how different all the art work was.
I wish I could show you everything.
                                                    This Just In -- Update on Tofu's Blog
Besides the Co-Op meeting, there was also the SF Library Big Book sale and oops I did it again and bought more flash cards to play with as well as some books to (gasp) tear up for collage.
I can't help myself.
And then there was the birthday festival!
I may be just a little spoiled but we don't need to talk about that. I took photos of the projects I have been working on in my studio since I got back from my trip but this post about the co-op meeting ended up so long i think I will save them for another post.
I'll show you next time....
Now get busy and make some mail art!

Let me know if you want to hide some art in a book.


  1. I would LOVE to hide art in a book! What a great idea. Am really enjoying your enthusiasm and inspiration. Thank you!

    1. Carol -- ok, just shoot me an message (through profile info) with your address and you've got it. Thanks for your comment.

  2. Hi there! I don't comment on your blog but I so love your posts. I'm so happy you decided to continue with it. :) You're very inspiring! I've been writing letters for decades and I love mail art but I'm a bit lazy and also I lack in time. I do what I can. Anyhow, I think you're so lucky to get together with friends for mail art. Wish we had a similar group here! Keep on creating and posting because you've got a fan in me. Ha! Ha!

    1. Thanks, Jacqueline -- thanks for commenting! We all do what we can and I am always behind so don't worry. Why not start a mail art group of your own? It is really wonderful even if you start small.

  3. Great blog post Pamela (and so quick!). I always love your photographs. And I agree with you -- the best part about doing this is to see how everyone's art is so unique & cool! --sw

    1. Thanks lady! I know -- I loved everyone's work (especially yours).

  4. So much fun! :-) I love your finished collaged cards. Wish I could have come create with you guys!

    1. Mary -- you would fit right in!! Wish you were there cutting and pasting too.

  5. What a great idea--hiding art in a book! I love it! May have to try that myself...Also, Russian vocab cards? Ack, I love that too!

    1. Hi Cindy! You could make some tiny art with some Russian language flash cards -- want me to send you some?

  6. Love those cards to hide in books. Like art abandonment, a similar movement. Would love to connect with your Facebook page or group -- this is me on FB: I just started following your blog TODAY and love what I see. Thanks for the great inspiration!

    1. Today?? Wow -- happy to see you enjoyed the post. Thanks for commenting.

  7. What a wonderful way to spend part of a day. I want to participate, so please count me in. I want to give it a try as well.

    Hope your birthday celebration was all you needed it to be. :)

    1. Limner -- ok, will send you something to hide in a book. It is really a fun project and such a good idea Tofu had.
      The birthday was wonderful but some of the days following not-so-much. Just trying to take it as it comes...

  8. I too have loved finding "treasures" in books, even things like old grocery lists. I will happily slip one into a book while I'm at my library. I think you have my address.

    1. Hi Rosemary -- yes, I do have your address and will send you something to slip into a book. FYI -- haven't gotten your mail yet and hoping it still comes. The Postal Service does some strange things so i am hoping I get it. Thanks for commenting.

  9. so awesome that Dori dropped in, and I love how interconnected we all are (because yup, I swap mail with Gina and Dori and Millicent too!) I'd love one of your book cards if you've got any left!

    1. Karen!! Pie Lady!! You swap with Gina, Millicent and Dori too -- and Corrine--yikes! We are going to need an art retreat weekend with all of us one of these days.
      Sure, I'll send you something for the hidden art in a book project. Maybe you will get inspired to do a few too.

  10. Great fun project, way to go Tofu....Dori is a bud of mine as well, so glad she got to hang out with you all, I bet she loved it, and she makes amazing mail as well.....xox

    1. Corrine--Dori was wonderful. I hadn't seen any of her work till Saturday and loved the little pieces she made. I've got to get trading with her. I just happen to know she hit the joss paper shops here in SF yesterday and I can't want to see what she does with that.Tofu really has some great project -- if you take a book at his blog you'll see some of them.

  11. Wonderful Post! as an avid book reader, I love this project!! Would love to hide a piece of your wonderful art in a book! thanks!

    1. Sure, mysterious one -- you will have to message me (via my profile) your name and address so I can mail you a piece. Thanks for commenting.

  12. I would like to participate in the book art/mail art project!! Also, those flashcards look divine. Way to score at the book sale!

  13. Hello! I would like to participate in the book art/mail art project. This is Sarah, btw. Also, good job on finding this flashcards at the book sale. They look divine!

    1. Sarah - sure! I will send you something and it you want to do it too you'll see the little sheet Tofu wrote out.....

  14. I'd love to participate and have one of your cards to hide in a book. I think this might be my first post on your blog. I used to do a LOT of mailart, but have been out of the loop for awhile. Looking to get back into it. I'll send you my mailing info if I am not too late to get in on this. Thanks.

    1. Barbara - sure -- you're in! I can always make another collage. Send me your info. And make more mail art - you know how much fun it is!

  15. Aw, shucks, Pamela, you say such nice things. I'm so glad you like the pocket book (I'm sure to be making more)- How cool that Dori was there to hold it for the photo. She is a wonderful person, and a great mail artist. She gave me a bunch of those cool circus tags for MY Birhday- it's fun to spread the LOVE. Small World indeed. ((( Hugs )))

    1. Millicent -- everyone LOVED your book! And I believe I'll be meeting YOU in October!!!

  16. What a cool artsy idea! I always learn a little tid-bit more about mail art when I reed your post. If you haven't already given out all of your collages, add me to your list. This will be a neat project for my grandchildren to do while they visit with me this summer :> Thanks for sharing!!

  17. Well, I'll try commenting again...first time didn't make it :< Once again, thanks for another inspirational post. I am always learning something new from you. I would love to have one of your cards to hide in a book if you haven't already given them all out. This is a great project for me to do with my grandchildren when they come for their summer this year. Thanks bunches!!

    1. Hola Happy Mail Day -- I got both comments and no worries -- I'd much rather have two than none! So glad you like the art in a book idea -- I will send one your way very shortly. And I understand you trade mail with Dori. I'm so pleased to have met her.

  18. I would love to hide some art in a book! Please add me to the list.

  19. Would like to play hide with one of your cards. I have a fav library shelf that has papercraft books that would be ideal! Your group outing looks like such fun !

    1. steviewren and Wanda -- you can send me your address via email through my profile or leave a comment with your address (I won't publish it) and I'll send you some art to hide in a book!

    2. Oh!! You are THAT Wanda -- I already have your address, don't I???

  20. OK, thanks for all the lovely comments and offers to hide some art. I have sent it all out now but it's an idea you can do too. New post tomorrow -- I'll show you some of the things I've been working on.
    Thanks all.

  21. I would love to hide some at in a book. I wish we had a Boston correspondence club. What fun!
