Friday, January 25, 2013

Istanbul: Large and Small

Haga Sophia
In Istanbul many buildings are on a very grand scale like this.

I just realized I never posted the third post about Istanbul post offices,
so here you go---

The Blue Mosque
And like this...

The Main Post Office is quite large too..

As is the PTT MUZESI
(Postal Museum)

I appreciated this sign being in both Turkish and English.

So, what happened here? This little post office is a tiny bit pitiful. I feel sorry for the guy cooped up inside there all day long.

This is more like it!
Just after I took this shot a guard came running up saying "No Photos".
What is it about post offices and no photos?
Wouldn't you think they'd want people to enjoy seeing the beauty of these buildings?

These old wooden cubbies are great for filling out forms or writing postcards.
And speaking of postcards, the PO was giving away delightful free postcards of Istanbul rooftops and a cup of tea. I took a few. OK, more than a few.

Another very sneaky shot. This time there was a sign saying "No Photos" and a guard who had my husband's passport.
But I couldn't resist. (Maybe it's the newspaper photographer in me). This is what we call a "grab shot". In other words, not real great. I wish you could see the collection of fabulous vintage Turkish
mailboxes they had there. I especially loved the one with the Arabic writing.
At least they could have sold postcards.
I'm just glad I didn't end up in a Turkish prison... and neither did my husband...

Don't buy your stamps at the postcard shop. Go directly to the source and check out  a post office. You'll be happy you did.
I found packs of vintage Turkish stamps at a market too...
Then you can go have some lunch. Turkish soups are wonderful...
in fact, all the Turkish food we had was wonderful.
I came home and go about ten Turkish cookbooks from the library.
Bring on the meze and raki.

I really, really miss Baklava

This wraps up the travel posts (for now, anyway). Now I am back to working on my mail art projects -- Lunar New Year cards, Valentines and joss paper posts and projects. What are you working on?

Have a great weekend, you all!


  1. Great post! Thanks for sharing. It's so interesting to see (glad you snuck a few photos :)

    1. Thanks, Cindy -- and I'm glad I didn't get caught with the camera!

  2. Oh how I love seeing these photos. We were in Istanbul in 2011. I never got to the main post office. I went to the one on Istiklal Cd. which was not fancy at all. I, too, got a packet of vintage postage stamps but at a stamp store near Galata Tower. I never saw a post box while there. An acquaintance who lives there said that mail is erratic which made me so happy that mail sent arrivd at it's destination. Looks like you had a good visit to Istanbul.

    1. A terrific visit, Mim! I hadn't realized you went there so recently too...

  3. Looks like a truly fascinating place. You won't forget this trip will you? xox

  4. I'm trying to figure out why they did not want pictures taken. I wonder if they have had trouble with bombs or something or maybe they don't want you to be able to take pictures of the people who are going in to the PO? It makes one want to have a spy camera :)

    1. Well, CJ, we aren't supposed to take photos in our USA post offices either...a spy camera would be great. (But I actually am pretty sneaky)

  5. What an amazing experience that must have been! Wow, that takes some real you-know-whats to go against the command of a Turkish guard!!

  6. Evet, benim güzel ülkem.

    -Yes, my wonderful country!

    1. tulin - your country is beautiful and I'm very sorry to see the people being hurt in the demonstrations now. Good luck to you all. I hope to visit again and see more of your country.
