Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Up to?

Postal Tea

I've been busy roaming around and having fun. One of our Correspondence Co-Op Members hosted a Postal Tea on a recent Sunday afternoon.
An absolutely lovely way to spend some time.
Talking and drinking tea and eating home-baked treats.
And, when this gang gets together there are always goodies.
What's a party without a goodie bag?

JU made some fabulous little vellum treat envelopes filled with vintage stamps and old
postcards with postage still on them. Yes, you do have to add postage to bring them up to current prices but the old stamps on the cards are still good.
Yes, there were cookies....and scones...and jam...and....
good stuff....
Chickens too. Yup, they live in the backyard.

And then yesterday my husband took a walk in the neighborhood and found this sitting on the sidewalk -- perfect for stationery storage!
Of course he picked it up an carried it home. Many blocks. What a guy!


I have been really busy the last three days getting the mail out. It was a three-day weekend here and that gave me some extra time to work on mail-art.


An Elvis mailing - has Elvis left the building?
The answer is yes.


I seem to be on an air mail binge. You never know what will set me off.
Outgoing to -- Isabelle, Millicent, Christine, Vizma, Stan, Tallie, Cathy, Marilyn,
Garci, and a few more...

Lunar New Year Stamps

These beauties weren't easy to get a hold of -- took three tries and I had to go downtown.
Incredibly one postal clerk didn't even know what I was talking about when I asked for the Lunar New Year stamps. Shouldn't the clerks at the PO actually know what stamps are coming up?
The same thing happened today when I asked for the new Apple postcard stamps.
No luck with getting those.


I also spent a lovely morning exploring the streets and alleys in Chinatown.
I had to go shoot some photos for my upcoming blog posts for the
Lunar New Year. Stay tuned -- you get a tour of joss shops and a show-and-tell on some mail art I've been working on.

I just don't think you can go wrong with red lanterns against a blue sky.
Beautiful weather here in San Francisco these days.
I should take my art supplies outdoors and do some work in the sunshine.

Happy Tuesday everybody.


  1. Lots of beautiful and delicious things to look at on your blog, as usual. I just happened to be in the post office sending packages and was offered some of those lunar New year stamps. Hot stuff!

  2. I got some lunar new year stamps myself! Stuck my first one on an envelope today. :-) I love the vellum envelope goody bags!! Keep having fun!

  3. Oh, such a delicious post! I bought the new year stamps today! Absolutely! I had to say "firecracker stamps" before the clerk got a clue. I mailed vellum envelopes and did not add extra postage. None of the vellum ever comes back.

    You have such mail fun. :) The food's not bad either.

  4. HaHa Limner -- you are brazen not adding extra postage on vellum! How do you know they aren't collecting on the other end? I am still getting grief from my son about the time he was innocently standing in front of our house and the postal worker nailed him for my "Postage Due" mail...
    Food pictures will be in my two upcoming Joss Paper posts....

  5. Well we made it to 10F and windy so it feels like - something or other. I could only be outside for 15 minutes with dogs this morning.....Love your Elvis outgoing. Good hubby to find you a storage box on the fly...enjoy your nice weather.....xox

    1. 10F????? You better get yourself out here to SF, Corrine (and bring Karen with you).

  6. what, no pictures of the chickens?
    I'm envious of your productivity and of your blue sky, but your joyful post is a bright spot in my evening.

    1. I do have a chicken photo -- I will post it on the C&A FB page for you to see, Karen. Happy to hear you enjoyed the post.

  7. I so wish I could go to the Co-op and Chinatown! I've never been a part of a big penpal meetup or Chinatown! Jealous x2!
