Monday, February 4, 2013

A Whole Lot of Mail Coming In

From Stephanie and Laura -- they both used clear, see-thru handmade envelopes and
Hello stickers and both are really cool.....
I don't believe these two mail artists know each other -- perhaps I should introduce them.

Backside of Laura's....

When I see an envelope from Planet Susanna in my mailbox I  get excited.
A wonderful collaborative artist book -- with a photo I took on the cover!
Here is a look inside!
Be sure to check out her blog -- it is very inspiring.

Not one -- but two envelopes with zines from Alice S...and a little something from Sally.

Christine H knows how much I like oddly flavored KitKats - these
are wasabi KitKats -- but I think she ate them all because I only got the wrappings...

From South Africa -- check out that stamp! Very fun -- at first I thought it said
International Snail Mail...I guess you sometimes see what you want to see..

Another beauty from Stephanie  (IUOMA) arrived just today -- a handmade
pop-up book in another clear envelope.
Love this.

Pop-Up Book
This is so cool and just my type. Thanks Stephanie!
Something will go out to you soon.

From Carol W - a great Year of the Snake postcard. She printed this edition somehow...
lino print? I don't know but I am sure happy I got one.

Origami lanterns with calligraphy

I had to go over to the Flower Market and Street Fair in Chinatown on Saturday.
Lunar New Year is such a great time in SF.
Flowers, citrus, red and gold decorations, lion dancers, food, fun...

Lunar New Year Supplies
Oh yes--I do think a mail artist could find some good supplies inside this shop.

Who could pass up these beautiful gift envelopes?
Certainly not I.

Love the citrus too -- pomolos, Buddha's Hands, kumquats -- I bet I could stick a
mailing label on one of these babies and send it off!

Of course, there is always lunch, and on a cold day some hot and sour soup
really warms you up.....

And some to keep up my strength for all the mail I am working on.

Even though I didn't show it here, I have been sending out a whole lotta mail!
Working on the joss paper mailings, Lunar New Year and Valentine editions...You will see it all very soon.
Two joss paper posts are in the works (coming soon).
I hope you all enjoy seeing some of what's been in my mailbox lately.

Now what have you all been getting in yours?


  1. I like how deceptively large the clear envelope mail looks in that picture. You should definitely introduce them!

    1. You know...I really should.....they are both doing such great mail art...

  2. Wow, beautiful beautiful mail art you got there!
    Simply lovely. I can't wait for the Lunar New Year next week as I will be having an 1 week off for the celebration, yayness! :)

    1. Kelly - I will post the joss paper shop post first and then the next post will be what I do with all that paper I buy in Chinatown...and somewhere in between I have to stick in a Valentine cards post...have lots of fun on your week off and thanks for commenting.

  3. Wow! It must take you SO long to get through the mail! I would just be savoring everything that came through the door...I can't believe all the goodness. But then, you get what you give, and you give some tremendous mail art yourself. I really like those clear envelopes...I'm interested in trying something like that myself. I'm thinking clear contact paper...hmmm...

    1. Andria - I am an Aries and I can't wait to rip (ok, nor actually rip--carefully open) open my mail!! But I do look at things over and over so that is the savoring part. I feel very lucky to get such great mail
      and it inspires my mail-art. I love the clear envelopes too and I actually couldn't tell exactly how either person did it....maybe they will share...

  4. Great pop-ups and see through envelopes....lucky you to have so much goodness reach your doorstep. xox

  5. I love the colours of all that Lunar New Year paper!

    1. Annejo -- me too. The big colors for Lunar New Year are red and gold and they look so festive!

    2. Did my letter arrive safely? I sent it out over two weeks ago. I have been NOT getting mail the last few weeks...things got lost :-(

    3., nothing from you (yet) Annejo.....I will let you know as soon as it comes...usually I get your mail pretty quickly but it just took weeks to receive something from Germany so....
      I sent two entires for a mail art call in The Netherlands and I sure hope they don't get lost.

    4. Well then at least you know something is on its way! :D Sometimes the mail needs a lot of patience....I guess it's one of those times again.

    5. Annejo -- the wonderful letter booklet/handmade envelope/photos, postcard backs just arrived! it took a while but it got here and I loved everything. Thanks so much. Now it's my turn....

    6. Hurrah!! Good to hear :D

  6. wasabi kit kats???? wow. who knew?
    amazing bunch of mail you've got there.

    1. Karen -- and I have bought blueberry and green tea Kitkats right here in SF! (at the Japanese supermarket) whoo whoo
      Yes, the mail is good.

  7. Yum all around! I started my drawing for Tet last night. The year of the snake. Not sure I can do it justice. The holiday is celebrated as "the first day of the first year," or so I learned. You have such wonderful access to the banners. I like the idea of primrose being part of the celebrations.

    That food! I'm hungry again. :D

  8. Limner--I just mailed some of my Lunar New Year cards today. It is coming up quickly so keep drawing!
    And maybe you should come to SF and eat (you can't live on chocolate)

  9. Dear Pamela,
    Did you really just say that you can't live on chocolate?! LOL

    Love the envelopes you found in Chinatown! I just pulled out all of the red envelopes that I stashed away last year, but "Ooooooo!" it would be awesome to have some of those pretty ones with the Year of the Snake! (I'm stuffing my red ones with chocolate coins for nieces and nephews -- just what they always wanted!)

    Looking forward to seeing the goodies you're working on. Thank you -- in advance -- for sharing!


    1. CMN -- a red envelope filled with chocolate sounds great. I could get talked in to sending you a snake if you message me your address....I think you will enjoy the joss posting so stay tuned!

  10. You mail artists are all so cool!
    I have to admit, I hadn't heard of mail art until I started coming over here to your blog, Pamela.
    Very cool stuff, indeed.

    1. Well...shucks....thank you Alisa......we are a kind of cool bunch....and we sure do have fun...but you are pretty cool yourself...

  11. Oh, those fantastic Lunar New Year-supplies..!(moaning,moaning,moaning)
    Unfortunatelly the Germany Chinese community does not celebrate this day so opulent.

    Thanks for your great card!
    I´m very happy, that you likes the magazine.

    1. Susannia -- I am happy you liked your card and I loved the #22 magazine. Perhaps you will see some Lunar paper in your mailbox soon.
      Thanks for commenting.
