Sunday, December 9, 2012

Red and What Goes With It

I know many folks out there are thinking of RED & GREEN but lately I've been on a red, white  and blue kick. I don't know why but these things just happen sometimes.
I've really been working on a lot of mail art the last few weeks, trying to
catch up after having been away. Twice. After Turkey and Italy I went to LA.
There's an LA post coming up too....

Having fun with vellum envelopes lately -- did you know vellum requires extra postage?
Now I know too....
That bottom envelope has a coffee theme for a certain person with the initials M.W. who loves a good cup of coffee. Or two.

Another vellum going out -- and a cheesy envelope for a certain cheese-lover I know.
It's fun to customize envelopes to appeal to people's taste.
I like postal-themed envelopes in case you wondered.



Jon already gave a shout-out for the plane collage  

This origami booklet went out...


And something out to Planet Susannia -- who sent me the most fabulous mail art booklet --click here and take a look.

I think I'll start with some red and green out the vintage Xmas stuff.....

Checking those vintage cards to see if the somewhat odd shape requires any extra postage..
(I hope not because I am sending an awful lots of stamps these days)

Got out the box of holiday rubber stamps....

I've been wrapping.....

...and boxing things up.....

Planning on standing in line at my favorite Post Office this week....maybe I'll bring some cookies..
for the postal clerks, not for me..
Actually, maybe I should bring some cookies to hand out to the usually grumpy folks waiting in line to spread a little cheer. And maybe they won't sigh too much when I get to the counter.
Because I have a lot to send.


The "Send Mail to Get Mail" rule still stands. I got some great mail this week --
from Planet Susannia (see above) and fabulous artistamps from Jack at
Cascadia Artpost and a tiny accordion booklet of photos of Turkey from a friend who also took a trip there..

The more mail you deposit the more mail you are likely to get!

Buddha's Hand infused vodka

Another little project I am working can't do mail art ALL the time, or can you?

I know it is a crazy time of the year but have fun out there people!


  1. Looks like you are right in the spirit of things, and i to the spirits already!!! Lovely mail. I do love vellum envelopes. Good to know about the extra postge. xox

    1. C.
      I am trying to get in the spirit but I'm not actually in the spirit! Kind of like smiling when you you need to feel better, you know?

  2. Great! I got a wonderful red themed postcard from you (which I spy above!) and I responded to you tonight. I also really love the idea of not just handing out cookies to the postal workers, but to the people waiting in line. Do that! And report back, :-)

    1. Mary -- oh of course that idea would appeal to you! I love your street art. Will report back...P.

  3. I am in major trouble. I just mailed ten letters and cards in vellum envelopes. No one told me about extra postage.

    SMH. I cannot imagine sending that much mail. Seriously. Do you have time for anything else? Seriously. :)

    You snagged me with the red white blue. Oh-me-oh-my! Such stamps. I've scrolled up and down so many times. :) Such a lovely post, but the Buddha hand always freaks me out. I have not figured out why it's called that. I can't imagine the Buddha ever having such a creepy hand. :) *shudder*

    It's nice to witness such holiday spirit/s. :) I hope it's catching.

    1. Limner -- ha -- I don't actually have much holiday spirit at all but I am trying. If you email me your address I will send you something red, white and blue!
      I think a lot of times the vellum envelopes go through without the extra postage. I had sent some with regular postage and they made it but when I presented on at the counter of the PO they told me it was an extra twenty cents for vellum...
      I actually do have time for other stuff....

  4. I love coffee and Lufthansa envelopes. I think I have a thing for planes:P

    PS. Where's that vodka from? It has Poland's emblem on the bottle but I've never heard of it. Just curious.

    1. Hi -- just picked up that vodka at Safeway -- very cheap since it is being infused....
      I have a thing for planes too. I still actually like airports and jetways and travel...

  5. Oh wow... those are so fun!
    Why does vellum cost more?

    1. Alisa, you know, I have no idea why....that's just what they told at the PO.....

  6. Yippee!! That must be for ME! Can't wait, cuzz I could really use some gooood mail right about now. I've been in a postal slump- boo hoo. p.s. I love all that red, white and blue, AND the vintage Christmas paper goodies are wonderful. That makes me happy.

    1. It IS for you Millicent! You should be getting it very soon. I am going to be selling some vintage Christmas stuff in my ETSY shop -- which will open in 2013 ......(don't feel too bad...I got no mail at all today/no fun!)

  7. Oh please share how you made that beautiful origami booklet! I would love to make one ... or two... or three. Thanks for showing all the loveliness!

    1. Thank you! If you look on the blog, on the right side, Under Most Popular Posts you will see Booklet Making Tutorial -- and there you go -- instructions on how to make the origami booklet with pages. I love making them. Have fun with it.

  8. cookies for all the people in the post office is a brilliant idea. perhaps you can get everyone singing, too. How did you get ahold of the handy-dandy postal measurement chart? My postal guy was bewildered when I asked him about it, but he was kind enough to go photocopy it for me on several pieces of paper and I took it home and glued it to cardstock and it's much better than nothing. and is oh-so-helpful with the odd shaped envelopes.

    1. Karen--actually a now friend but at the time stranger Kelly P (fearless mailer) sent it to me. She got a couple at her PO but when I asked for one at mine she looked at me like I was crazy. I have a xerox of them I can send you if you want another...

      Maybe I should bring the iPod and speaker to the PO and we can have a flash mob.

  9. Now I'm tempted to got to the post office and see if they charge me extra to mail a vellum envelope.
    I have enjoyed going to the post office nearby because of the one friendly clerk, Walter. He's smart and quick and funny. Recently he told me he was retiring early because they offered him a deal. He was counting the days and talking about skiing etc. He's only about 58. Every time, I went in he gave me an update of how many days were left. He was supposed to retire just after Christmas. Yesterday I went in and asked the grumpy clerk where Walter was and he told me he had passed away about a week ago. I feel crushed.

    1. Christine: OooOoohh noooo that is awful -- how sad. I guess at least he was happy in the end looking forward to retiring. A lesson in living life fully because you never know...

  10. You've been all those envelopes and packages. Lots of lucky people out there!

  11. It was great to meet you today, Pamela! I am enjoying your blog. Such beautiful work!!

    1. Shams -- great to meet you too. Love your polka dots! And I am impressed with your sewing.

  12. I love all that postal red, white, & blue! Can I ask, where did you get your THE MAILBOX IS A MUSEUM stamp? I really like it and I totally agree!

    1. That is one of my favorite stamps. Sorry but I have a ton of stamps and don't know where the heck I got it -- but I bet you could have one made at a place like Office Depot. I am thinking of having some made up with various postal sayings. Good luck.

  13. Pamela, you've done it again. You just drip creativity. I've used your tutorial and made several origami booklets. Mine all turn out too little and too skinny (vertical). What size paper did you start with to make the booklet appearing in this blog? I want to make one that is more the size and shape of a book. Thanks for all you do to make beautiful mail.

    1. Texas Leigh -- Why thank you! I make the origami booklets in all sorts of sizes. The one in this blog post was made from a tourist map I picked up in LA -- I will go measure it for you tomorrow (off to a party soon). I make them with 81/2x11 size paper and also large ones from those big sheets of Cavallini paper but this one is in between. I'm happy to send you one if you'd like. You can email me your address -
