Sunday, December 16, 2012

Making My List

Making my list and checking it twice...
Were you naughty or nice?

I always get in the holiday spirit a lot later than most people.
I'm starting to feel it....
Got the Christmas out the vintage cards...

SF Co-Op Holiday Party

I went to the SF Correspondence Co-Op Holiday party on Friday night
and that certainly helped with the holiday spirit.
I bought a whole lot of these raffle tickets....

Because I really, really wanted to win this Postal Vending Machine...

The lovely Miss Red Letter Day herself sold the raffle tickets but unfortunately I didn't win.

Typewriter Wine

Oh well, lots of fun anyway and some Typewriter wine to tide me over.

Making photo cards for a certain someone (hope she doesn't see this - I don't think she reads my blog). Photos of Italy and Istanbul on greeting cards ready to be wrapped and mailed off.

The traditional daily organizer - 2013 version to be made for me and another pal.
They start off kind of ugly and....

2013 Daily Planners

Viola - they look cool now...complete with rubber stamped decorations inside.
I use one to keep track of mail sent/received. Not too late to make some if you are so inclined.

I have them going back several years and they are fun mail diaries.

2012 Holiday Card-Making

Time to get cranking out those holiday cards. Yesterday in SF it was cold and rainy and a perfect afternoon to work on my cards.
Almost done.

Took me longer to figure out which combo of vintage stamps to use to get the correct postage than it took to make the cards.
Hope the folks who get these like them.



I hope I get lots of holiday mail-art too. And I don't know about all of you out there (in the USA) but the Postal Service here in SF is really trying this year -- I have had two mail
deliveries every day last week. My wonderful letter carrier, Anna, delivers mail and packages once during the day and she has been back every evening, about 6PM, to deliver any packages that came to the sorting room after the first mail delivery.
How's that for great Postal service?

What are you doing for your letter carrier this year?

Dear Santa:
I would like lots of mail for Christmas. And maybe some vintage office supplies and old air mail envelopes. I wouldn't mind some old correspondence that you might find in an attic.
I was very good.
Cappuccino & Art



  1. Look at that stack of mail with vintage stamps - yummy! Love the planners and photo cards. Certainly looks as if you are in full swing for Santa to bring you goodies - no coal this year. xox

  2. bummer you didn't win the stamp machine, but that wine is pretty damn cool and you've been wonderfully and festively productive.
    I LOVED my pie postcard, by the way.
    Every year I hit a point in December where I acknowledge that I'm not going to get any Christmas cards out in the mail, and I resolve to send New Year's cards, and then I don't do that either. at least I'm consistent in my delusions.

    1. Karen--Sometimes I send cards and sometimes I don't....depends on my inspiration and mood. This year is a card year but next year? Who knows?

  3. Love all the vintage Christmas postage. Looks great. Bummer about the vending machine, but it's great that you got to go! Hope you have a happy mailbox tomorrow!

  4. Wow that is great mail service! I love looking at all your different holiday/christmas stamps. :)

  5. Twice daily deliveries? Just like the old days. I'm afraid that's not happening in Portland. Maybe you have a very special postal person.

    1. Christine, My letter carrier is wonderful but she said the PO is sending her back out for more deliveries after she finishes her route.But she just brings parcels and boxes not letters.

  6. You crack me up, Pamela! Love those journals! And I ALWAYS love the vintage postage stamps on the mail you send me...I am frantically making my cards! I bet SF is so festive at Christmas, enjoy! xo Jane

    1. Jane--Yup, SF is very festive -- lots of lights and two skating rinks and general good cheer. I am frantically finishing up my cards too so you have company. Drink eggnog!

    2. I'm skipping the eggnog and going straight for the good white wine!

    3. Wise decision, Jane -- better choice and less calories too. I'll have red....

  7. Your planners are awesome!

    PS. Our pig-dog is actually a Jack Russell Terrier, but she grunts like a pig and has a pink belly like one, so that's why we call her that.

    1. Alisa-
      The pig-dog sounds cute! Glad you like the planners. I have the whole iPhone planner thing but prefer paper (of course!).

  8. I just wanted to send along some wishes for a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

    Greetings from Germany,

    1. Gaby--Thanks so much! And I am sending good wishes for a happy Christmas and a 2013 filled with mail art right back to you!

  9. The holiday party looks like it was fun, though I'm sorry you didn't win that awesome raffle prize. I love how those planners get spruced up, mail art style. And I especially love the way you use vintage Christmas stamps on your holiday mail. Whenever I get a batch of cancelled stamps at auction, I separate out the Christmas ones, and I recognize several of the ones you show here. Your travel photos make such beautiful cards, by the way. Merry, merry Christmas to you!!

    1. Thanks, Andria -- Merry Christmas to you too. I love vintage stamps on my mail but I try to use new stamps too - gotta support the USPS! Those planners really are fun to make up and use....

  10. Wow, I love the idea of using the tiny planners to track mail in and out. My journal I was using has reached the end and this might work for me. Would you mind showing some inside pages to see how it's set up? My brain is a bit wonky and I'm not sure how it would work as a list. Thanks and Happy New Year.

    1. ginigin - The planners have the days of week and I just write IN: and list what I got and OUT: what I sent....for each day....I will try to remember to show a photo in the next works pretty well...and it's a nice record..
