Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Temptation in Turkey

Cappuccino in Istanbul -- this does NOT look like cappuccino to me. And I am an expert
on Cappuccino....

That could be because tea is very popular in Turkey...I loved seeing those charming little tea cups everywhere...

There was pick up and delivery tea service everywhere we went. and the spice market was filled with teas. I tried pomegranate tea, rose tea, flowering jasmine and apple...
delicious! I will never give up cappuccino but an afternoon tea is quite nice too.

For me, a lot of fun of travel is just walking all over and looking at ordinary things, away from the tourist these stationery shops.

I found some delightful notecards....

and bookmarks that look like little Turkish rugs and of course the ever-watchful
evil eye charms.

Turkish mailboxes for sale?

I believe so....and now I am wondering why I didn't buy one..
Oh yes-because I can only fit so much into my suitcase.

This looks like an Italian mailbox. In fact, it IS Italian but there is was in Istanbul, sitting proudly outside a Turkish cafe.

I had a mail art assignment to take care of. Mail artist and SF Correspondence Co-Op member
Alice S. made a set of wonderful zines from her recent trip to
Istanbul. This guy was featured and my job was to deliver. As you can see, he was
absolutely delighted with the zines...

and the photos of himself inside. I have no Turkish and he had no English but mail art  needs no translation.
My friend Alice is a rubber stamp fanatic opps I mean fan and he made stamping motions with his hand to show he remembered Alice and her love for rubber stamps, especially this big one.
It wasn't for sale but he whipped open the door to this cabinet and --

all these were for sale. Of course I had to follow in Alice's footsteps and buy a few rubber stamps too.
That was really a fun delivery.

OK, some of you (and you know who you are) have been saying "What? No food photos??"
So, here are just a few of the many I took...don't encourage me or I may have to do a FOOD only post.
Women sitting in restaurant windows making fresh flatbreads was quite common.

So, of course, I had to try some of the bread, which just happened to be filled with two kinds of cheese and grilled...and served with the delicious manti (small Turkish ravioli).
This was really too delicious.

And did I mention the Pudding Shops? Something we don't have here in the USA.
Shops with tea and coffee and all kinds of puddings and baklava. Yes, I believe I will stop in every afternoon for a treat.

This is JUST what I need to see after all that tempting Turkish food -- I think I'll skip this.
Maybe I could just user it to weigh my mail? Or my suitcase?

I hope you aren't getting tired of the travel posts. I have been so busy trying to catch up on all my mail that I haven't even had time to photograph everything I've been sending out.
And I've been sending out A LOT.

I have one more Turkish post and then on to OUTGOING mail, incoming mail and
wouldn't you know, holiday mail. And the travel journal, photo album project and travel collages.
And more!

What are you all up to?



  1. Thank you for sharing your travel experiences!! I love seeing and hearing about your travels :)

    1. Well, thank you, elle. I've enjoyed reading about Costa Rica too and was just talking about what you wrote about with a friend who is going to go there.

  2. Enjoying the exotic travels around the world. And the tea, and the pudding. xox

    1. Corrine -- pudding! But they didn't have any Indian Pudding like you do in New England.

  3. Really enjoyed this post. Reminded me a bit of my time living in Queens.

  4. I always love trying out new foods when I'm in a different country, and then to try to recreate my favorite recipes at home. I love flatbread, not a big fan of baklava though, so sweet! This is making me hungry, it's a good thing I'm going out for lunch in thirty minutes :-)

    1. Annejo -- I never liked baklava either but I never had it in Istanbul before. Letter went out to you on Monday.

  5. mmmm...flatbread with cheese. I could live on all kinds of variations of bread and cheese. I love the story of your zine delivery.

    1. Karen -- come on over and let's eat bread and cheese! That zine delivery was really fun. The guy was delighted.

  6. Bella Pamela! What lovely travel posts; thank you so much. What a great idea about the zines! I'll have to check my Alice zines and chat with her about Thailand, Vietnam, and Cambodia for our trip we just finalized for February! Yahoo!
    And thank you so much for You Know What :D! I love ALL my birthday mail.
    Mille grazie~

    1. Thank you, Gina Bella! Happy you had a good birthday. Sounds like a wonderful upcoming trip for you.

  7. Being an arm chair traveler ain't half bad. :) Cheers to you from here!

  8. Oh my goodness, how could you pass up buying a Turkish mailbox?! Now, that's an exotic memento! Love the guy seeing himself in the zine! What a treat to make that delivery.

    1. Andria -- yes, that zine delivery was a riot. And it didn't actually occur to me to buy a Turkish mailbox till i got home and looked at the photo! Next time......

  9. How fantasic and what a great interaction with the stamp man!
    Turkey is on our list of places to visit too.

    1. Alisa -- I highly suggest a visit! It was really a terrific place to visit.

  10. Pamela,
    I love that you fit a zine delivery into your schedule. He must have been so delighted. Well, you can see by the photos that he is. it just warms my heart.

    Now, about that food. All of your posts of Turkey make me want to go there, but those food pictures...oh my! If I could just jump into those for a quick bite. This all really makes me want to visit Turkey.

    1. CH -- you've gotta go -- I know you & M would have a blast --fabulous food. And that zine delivery was such fun. Maybe Alice will have a other zine for me to deliver sometime (if I'm lucky).

  11. Yummy. This post makes my mouth water. I wish so much to go to Turkey. Love the postcards too.
