Monday, May 28, 2012

In My Studio/Part One

My studio has a tiny secret garden where I can sit and write and dream

I like to be surrounded by things from my travels

I like to save all kinds of paper ephemera to make mail art with --
and I like red!

France has always been a big influence on me - love anything French,
bien sur!

An old friend made me these FACES to hold pens and supplies

Love that washi tape -- good for so many projects

A "letter box" from 1900 China with stacks of my handmade datebooks

Love those flash cards -- going to sell them in my coming ETSY shop,
along with vintage ephemera, mail art supplies and zines

Still life with bugs -- I collect old books and cameras
Lovely old wedding photo from France and some French dried plant pressings
I made while traveling in France

Come back in a day or two for the rest of the studio tour....or come and visit my studio.

I love company.


  1. pamela, i'd love to come over some time!

    1. Annie--love to have you visit. Come and give me some collage tips and I'll treat you to lunch!

  2. Keep us updated on your Etsy shop! I would love to support that. Also, I want to see the whole [studio] space! Get a feel for the environment you create such great mail in. PS - a garden? Ahhh.

    1. Thanks, Mary! More photos coming soon...I am putting together what I want to sell and will let you know when I have the Etsy shop up and running....(I need a suggestion for a name for it).

  3. Oh I would love to visit your delightful mail/art studio again! It is such a wonderful spot, you are very fortunate! I will hopefully see you in a few weeks. Jane

    1. Sure, let's try and meet up, Jane. (And be sure to look at part two because you'll see something nice...)

  4. Let me know when you open that etsy shop! I have my eye on one of your boxes of flash cards. ;)


    1. Sharon, I was going to break up the sets and sells smaller stashes of cards....which set are you interested in?

  5. I'm loving this peek into your studio! and that's exciting news about your etsy shop.

    1. I am stock-piling for the Etsy shop but need a name for it and need to set it up and photograph everything.....I may need a few more hours in the day.

  6. pamela, thanks for your studio tour, I'd love to see more . . . and I am glad you commented on my post -thank you!

  7. Pamela:

    You are one of the most interesting Studio Artists Working..........

    Very Nice..........Hilton........

  8. YOu had me at the secret garden, that alone is worth it and those French wedding photos - so pretty. Yeah to etsy shop!!! xox

    1. Thanks, Corrine! Hope you'll come and sit in the tiny garden someday...

  9. Wonderful shots. Your studio is filled to the brim with inspirational vignettes. Thank you!

  10. Your studio looks like a dream to me! Though I've come a long way in creating a more inspiring office, I'd love to have a full-blown studio like you do.

    1. Thanks, JoAnna! I know I am lucky to have a space of my own like that.
