Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Studio/Part Two

There is a whole lot of mail sitting around my studio
(you've already seen the shopping cart that is

filled with mail)

Vintage postcards to sort through and play with 

Yes, it IS fun to write letters

Poor Saint Lucy....her eyes on a platter
As a photographer I feel her pain

Have paper - will type

A friend gave me those large and lovely stamps from China
- just waiting for a project

The basket of zines
(I have got plans to work on a couple of zines myself)

Some art books 

Rubber Stamps

Cancelled stamps to collage with 

Chinese puppet and a great little hanging collage by Jane Smith

Puttering around my studio today, cleaning up and taking photos, hanging out in the secret
garden and doing some artwork. Organizing some vintage ephemera for ETSY selling.
I think I will do one more post on what's going on in my studio -- so come back for
another visit soon!


  1. Oh nicely organized and so much fun. I saw paper pleasures and the art of paper mache books on the shelf. I have had both for a long time, are they marvelous? Great Chinese large stamps. xox

  2. Ha! Corrine-- wait till you see the next set --you won't think I'm organized. But I can almost always find what I"m looking for!
