Friday, May 25, 2012

A Little (Paper) Eye Candy


Oddly enough this clown envelope took ten days to get from San Francisco to Chicago.
Kelly P and I are wondering where the detour was along the way.
Maybe someone in the USPS is afraid of clowns.
Some people are, you know.


A bullet train going out to Sarah....

And a horse envelope for Michelle, who loves horses....


Dim sum for GinaVisione and some postcards going out...
I am loving to round those postcard corners these days...


Sushi envelope to the bento-box mail art maker Kelly P, a bird for PLH
and I can't remember what went to who else....but they are pretty,
don't you think?


These babies are international travelers -- out to IB in France and to
Annejo in The Netherlands.


Another postcard with rounded corners...and a collaged card for Carol.


Kelly P and Tallie -- you've got mail!
And they correspond with each other too.
I love the mail art world. And I love that yellow- green envelope - my favorite color.


What's percolating? Some coffee-mail going out tomorrow since I was too lazy to walk up to
the post office today.


 I got mail this afternoon and had a fine time reading it! Thanks you all.


Hope you have all been busy making mail art and dropping it in your mail boxes.

This weekend is the SF Mail Art group, The Correspondence Co-Op's first
anniversary. One happy year of mail art and new friends and we are going to be
celebrating on Sunday.

Working on a "studio tour" post and will surely post a few shots of the mail art birthday party too.
And a Letter Writing Social is coming up on June 1st at ARCH.
Oh--and this weekend SF is celebrating the 75th birthday of our beloved
Golden Gate Bridge.

Have a happy and safe Memorial day weekend (if you live in the USA) and write some letters
or make some mail art too.

Send good mail -- Get good mail!


  1. Your lovely letter arrived yesterday! :D

  2. Happy Memorial Day, enjoy all the festivities in SF. Got lots of mail art ot get to tomorrow!!! Enjoyed the outgoing except for the clown, never did trust those clowns. xox

    1. Busy weekend here in SF -- Golden Gate Bridge 75th anniversary party, Carnival and the Correspondence Co-Op's One Year Birthday Party. Fun. That clown feels rejected....

  3. You've clearly been VERY busy! Sounds like a busy and fun time for the mail art world as well.

    1. Great party yesterday and now a letter writing social on Friday night...but I am doing more socializing than writing!
