(Fabulous) Incoming Mail After a not-real-good mail week last week, today I got the most wonderful mail from Karen who just can't stop carving stamps. Check out her great post and prepare to get inspired! I know I'm inspired but I'm even more happy to have received these two handmade beauties to play with. How lucky am I? Thanks so much, Karen. |
INCOMING Some other great incoming mail on Saturday...finally feeling cheerful... |
Incoming Thanks to Cecelia, Roberto, Kelly P, Alice & Catwrangler! |
Lunch (There's always lunch) Ankake ramen at Hotei here in San Francisco. |
SF SCRAP How about a little afternoon visit to Scrap? This spot is like catnip to artists of all kinds. |
SF SCRAP Walk in and get ready to explore.... |
SF SCRAP Is this making you just a little bit crazy? |
SF SCRAP Here is Jane showing off some of the packs of stamps at SCRAP. |
OUTGOING MAIL I have some things going out.... (Mr ZIP rubber stamps carved by Shelita W.) |
OUTGOING There it goes! Off to some of my postal pals (some of whom have been VERY patient). |