Friday, October 7, 2011

Communiqués From Red Letter Day: Have Kit, Will Travel

Communiqués From Red Letter Day: Have Kit, Will Travel

OK, this is what I am talkin' about, people!
Check out Miss Red Letter Day's mail art kit.
Now get busy with your entries in my Call For Entries for
"What's In Your Mail art Kit?"
(previous post)


  1. Wahoo, no we are all in trouble! Who can live up to that. xox Corrine

  2. Don't say that, Corrine -- everyone is special and I want to hear from all!

  3. I don't have a travel kit :-( Looking all those goodies make me want to get one though! Then I only need to start traveling... :P

  4. Okay, so I'm slow. Where do I send my photos? :)

  5. @Annejo -- well, you ravel to a local cafe, right? You can take your mail art kit there and write a letter!(I got one lovely letter from you today--thanks).
    @Limner - loom at the previous post "Two Call for Entries" and you will see all the details.

    Just back from the letter writing event hosted by Carolee and Annie this afternoon. Really fun.
