Sunday, October 9, 2011

Social, Supplies & So Much Fun

You know I must like cappuccino because of the name of the blog.
(Actually I wish I picked a better name but too late now)
Cappuccino and a little postcard writing at Caffe Puccini in San Francisco.

Yesterday was the Snail Mail Social organized (brilliantly) by
Annie and Carolee
All I did was just go and have fun.
Typewriters, supplies, people who love mail -- what"s not to like?

Art supply shop ARCH hosted the event.
If you are in SF, stop in and check it out.  Lots of great art supplies.

Annie watching the magic fingers of Carolee on the typewriter keys.
Someone has to understand typewriters and it seems to be Carolee.

(And there seem to be some mail art kits on the front of that table -- don't forget my
Call For Entries for "What's In Your Mail Art Kit?")

I love how well-used these rubber stamps are.

You've gotta have supplies if you are going to have a Snail Mail Social going on.
There were press-on letters, typewriters, rubber stamps.......

Lazy Letters and specially made stationary

So many things to create with.....

It is possible I did more socializing than actual letter-writing.

No worries -- I declared today
Mail Art/Letter Writing Day
and I have been working in my studio all day long. And since tomorrow is a
a holiday in the US I declare tomorrow a mail art day too.

Here's a letter booklet for KP.

A Drive-By Mailbox in Mill Valley, CA
I just don't see many of these in San Francisco. I'd like to see a
Bike-By mailbox.

October 10 will be a No Mail Monday
(no fun) so I guess I won't be going to the mailbox like this lady
but you can bet I will be working on some mail projects.

Send a Letter -- Help save the USPS
(and have fun while you are doing it)

Hope you are all having a good weekend and getting your mail art on.

Did you send me your entry for the Mail Art Kit yet?


  1. please update your links! my new site is
    thanks for posting up pics and a write up about the snail mail social :D

  2. Pamela - Love all your pics of the Snail Mail event. (You even got Lazy Letters in there!) You may have been socializing instead of writing, but I didn't look very busy in those pictures either.... day-dreaming, leafing through the booklet. But, hey, you've declared tomorrow Mail Art Day so I'm good! I'll catch up tomorrow.

  3. That looks like such a fun get together, typewriters and all.
    And, I love the postcard!

  4. Wow that looks like you had so much fun! I wish I knew more people in Montreal that would want to put something like this together.
    I just wanted to let you know that I received your recipes the other day. Thank you so much! I have been so busy over here with 3 gigs all starting at once (clearly bite off more then I can chew right now, ha ha!) but I will be taking pictures and sharing & linking back to you on my blog in the next week. Thanks so much for playing along.
    Hope you are enjoying your autumn so far.
    Much Love,

  5. I bet you had the best weekend just playing with mail!!!! Love those old well worn stamps too. Mail art kit, better get a move on. xox Corrine

  6. Crystal--I"m glad you got the recipes. I just found something else I had wanted to send you so I pop that in to the mail too.
    I bet there are people in Montreal who would like to do that -- just gotta get the word out. There are closet snail-mailers and mail artists lurking all over!

  7. It was fun! I just wish I'd gotten there earlier so I could have written more letters. Thanks for sharing the pictures of the social and of your mail. Absolutely love that letter-book you created. What a fantabulous idea.
    ~ Jan :)
