Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Two Calls for Entries - Fun in the Mail

We better send mail while we still can.
Let's have some fun.

What's In Your Mail Art (Travel) Kit?
I love mail and I love travel and I seem to have a thing for zippered cases.
Tell me what's in yours.
Draw pictures (like Carolee) or make a list (like Donovan) or take a photo
or...???....do something creative.

Carolee did it.....

Annie doesn't seem to travel light...
but I bet she doesn't take this one on the plane.

Alice travels all over
and I wonder what she brings with her. She always sends great mail.

I try not to take too much stuff with me...but I must have my good pens and
some labels....

and of course, glue sticks and post card stamps (if I am traveling in the USA).

Here's what Donovan brings with her.....

Washi tape is always handy for the traveler
and maybe a tiny stapler?

I love my Yosemite address book.
Do you bring a suitcase? Zippered pouch? Cigar box?
paints? watercolors?

Please send your entries to me at the above address by
November 1, 2011.
No jury/no returns/documentation to all (maybe a zine?)
I will post some of them on the blog and share the notes about what
everyone is packing in those travel kits.
I bet there are all kinds of things to travel with that I haven't thought of.
maybe you all travel really light?
(I have never been accused of traveling light)

And here is the second Call for Entries from my mail art pal, GinaVisione.
Theme: "YUM"
Please Place this word on your MailArt somewhere...
*What is your favorite food, drink, snack, indulgence, concoction, recipe,
childhood food memory, or restaurant at home or abroad --
and why?
*For my project send me all postal objects that deal with any technique.
*No jury/no returns/documentation to all.
*Please send all MailArt entries to:
165 1/2 Chattanooga Street
San Francisco, CA 94114-3438
Contact for questions: ginavisone@yahoo.com
DEADLINE: November 30, 2011 (someone's birthday....when's yours?)
Tell Gina I sent you!
(that is the backside of one of my entries)

OK, everyone -- get busy. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Happy Mail Day to all.


  1. pamela! i love this post :) thanks for featuring my suitcase of supplies. now i desperately need that blueq pencil case. where did you find it?

  2. @annie--the blue one with the airmail envelopes sticking out of it? I got that are a shop on 24th Street, called Urban Nest (across from Whole Foods).
    If you mean the blue San Francisco one....that was from Fisherman's Wharf years ago....
    I am happy you enjoyed the post -- now send an entry!

  3. nope, the red zipper case in the first pic. i already have the blue airmail one. both of them are from blueq i just need to know where to get them locally.

  4. Oh.....I got that red one today on Fillmore Street at Nest.

  5. Replies
    1. Hey you --- you didn't send an entry in. i just made the zine -- FINALLY. But I think I will have another Call and do another zine so you get another chance!

  6. Yay! Pamela, you Rock! Thanks for putting my CFE out there to your masses :D I hope to see some YUM-my fun in my post box! Mille Grazie Cara! (Of course I'll send some for yours...!)

    1. GinaVisione -- just made the zine -- coming soon to your mailbox!

  7. What a great post - and a reminder that I need to buy some Washi tape. It's fascinating to see what people take along in their travel kits. What a great idea to post them.

  8. Great calls for mail, will have to giddyup my giddyup and get going. xox Corrine

    1. Hummmmm didn't get one from you either, my dear......I am going to do another Call so starting thinking...

  9. @Dosfishes -- thanks -- since so few are commenting I hope that means everyone is working on the mail art!
    @Christine H -- I love to see what's in people's kits too. Where are you going to buy the washi tape? etsy has a lot of it....

  10. So...I have to clean my craft table (a.k.a. the-only-table-in-my-apartment) this weekend, so I will take some photos of what I usually take on trips to help me create. Love seeing all your little bags of goodies & am looking forward to seeing what others take!

  11. Oh super fun! I want to join because like you I love to travel and I try to send as many postcards & goodies when I do hit the road or air. I wish I had the right sized zipper bag though because this girl does not travel light when it comes to paper supplies! Count me in.
    Much Love,

  12. @Crystal--oh good -- will love to see what you pack! I have a CAR mail art kit and a PLANE mail art kit...you know what I"m talking about....

  13. Great post. It's fun to see what others travel with. I am wanting some washi tape. ooh. Will send my Mail Art Travel entry.

  14. I love the SF zipper too. I just pulled out about 20 different bags that I have used for my mail art but I will have to wait until the new bag comes.

    Also good reminders about Gina's. I don't understand the line.

    *For my project send me all postal objects that deal with any technique.

  15. @catwrangler - I can't really answer for Gina but I think she means, you can send drawings or photos or objects or painting or collage....I know someone sent her something in a bottle!
