Sunday, July 17, 2011

Really Great Mail

OK, right after I do this post I am going to go sit at my desk and  start working on some
mail art.
I am so lucky with getting the best mail ever -- and I am so behind in responding.
(It might help if I would stay home more but there are just so many great things to do in San Francisco)

After that I'm going to go to the mailbox and mail off everything I make today.
Hummmmm....see that wet stuff on the top of the mail box?
That is "fog", not rain......

This has got to be my favorite mail art received this week, sent by my pal,
KP. She is just so talented and creative. The letter is a book made from recycled security envelopes
and all kinds of other things (including some joss paper that I sent her).
Little pockets and windows and a whole interactive thing going on here.
I just love this.

Then, this arrived from her on my front steps. I just know my letter carrier was smiling.

A letter on a plate!
Who can resist this? 

And from Tallie, three French postcard collages. Very cool. She was inspired by the French homework SuperHero and I sent her for the Homework Show at Mindport.

All the mail wasn't good though. See that REWRAPPED by the US Postal Service tape on there?
I tried to buy a camera from a friend and this arrived, insured, but no camera
inside. Very disappointing. Did someone steal it? Or did the envelope open and the camera fall out? We'll never know.

And this areogram from Catwrangler also arrived open - but I think it was just a matter of "old glue" on sealing well. Great typewritten letter inside so no harm done here.

A little something from Alice written in the special room just for writing letters at a Canadian Post Office., Toronto's First Post Office in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
"Quills even" according to Alice and that terrific post mark.
I want to go.

I promise to be hard at work all day on catching up with my outgoing.
But I reserve the right to go have some sushi for lunch.

And check this out --

Daily Postcard

My pal Christine H. has a great daily postcard blog and she posted two cards from my collection. Plus a little story about cyber-pals.
Check out the post and Christine's great blog and enjoy your day!

I'm going to go write a letter.........

and I'll have some shots of my outgoing next time.

To Get Good Mail -- Send Good Mail!


  1. That sushi is killing me. I may have to go out for sushi because of this.

    Say, the blog post with your cards has had the second highest number of page views this month, outpaced only by Princess Grace and Prince Rainier. People love these cards. I think Susi may have sent links to German friends too, because I see a lot of hits from Germany. Anyway, Susi says the three of us should have lunch in San Francisco next time she's here.
    Thanks again for sharing these great cards and for your kind words about my blog.


  2. Oh yes-- sushi with you and Susi sounds great. Let's do it.

    And that's great that your blog post with my cards got a lot of views -- how fun.

  3. Glad you liked the French women! Mike looked over my shoulder at the first photo on this post and said seriously, "Hey, why is there a photo of your desk on this blog?" There are some similarities!

  4. It's unbelievable that the plate made it through the mail intact! Bummer about the camera, though...makes you wonder where on earth it is. Hopefully someone is taking nice photos with it. I also love the Canadian stamps.
