Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Inspiration Books

I was just reading a favorite blog of mine by Mary Ann Moss called

Dispatch From LA

and she writes about her Inspiration Books. Well, I have Inspiration Books too
and here are a few.

(Be sure to check Dispatch From LA - it's really great)

I am a photographer in my real life and very visual so I have always loved to cut out
images that I like.

Anything that catches my eye......

I love to cut and paste (and glue).

You can make your own Inspiration Book by cutting and pasting anything and everything
that looks interesting to you. It's really fun to leaf through the books and get inspired.

Beautiful roses, pink and green china....

Beautiful food.....

That third book from the top is my LUNCH inspiration book. My long suffering
husband has to stand by while I take pictures of all our lunches out.
(Sometimes he just wants to eat)

Inside cover

Inspiring lunch at Shanghai Dumpling

Tostada lunch with the chips container glued in....
I like the books to be bulky and have a lot of texture. I add menus, business cards,
napkins, chopstick covers and anything else I can glue down.

Besides cutting, pasting, glueing and eating, I did get all the stamps mailed out
yesterday to all the winners of the USS stamp give-away (so watch your mailboxes).
Also made up a set of collage postcards and sent out to the the folks who attended the
Letter Writing Social.

Playing catch-up now (I owe a lot of folks mail).

Hope the Inspiration Books inspire you to make one too.

Send Mail to Get Mail
(and have fun doing it).

Till next time.......


  1. Those journals are awesome! I keep a digital collection of inspiring images I find online, but just might have to start one for things I come across in magazines. I love the "stuff" you glue in, too! It's kind of like a Smashbook but less scrapbooky--if that makes sense? I purchased a Smashbook to smash/journal things, but I'm constantly fretting I'm smashing the wrong thing. Isn't that silly? I think I might be a little more free with just a regular journal like you have here.

  2. I love the idea of inspiration books. I just have one; it has pictures of my garden and specific plants over the years.

  3. That's how I embellish some of my journals! I couldn't think of a better use for beautiful paper things, so I clip them, save them in my morgues, and use them . . . O Magazine is great for inspirational quotes, book quotes, photos . . . Well, just about everything. :) It's hard to toss great magazines, especially ones on journal art and the like.

    Very nice post!

  4. Great inspiration books, another way to collage and keep. I have folders of images like that but I really like you book idea. Maryann Moss, she's so much fun to read. I did her remains of the day class. Her e-courses are thes best! xox Corrine

  5. Thanks for sharing. This made me think of Pinterest. Which is a cool concept. But there's nothing quite like the tangible book to hold in your hands--full of textures and great memories.

  6. Thanks, everybody -- I love holding the books in my hand and looking at all the pictures that inspire me. And since I can't keep stacks of all those magazines it is a good way to keep the things want. World of Interiors has some beautiful images. Of course I don't tear up my UpperCase magazines though....

  7. i love your food notebook. my sister also likes to take photos of the dishes when she eats out. i started an inspiration notebook too - mine is a moleskine cahier, one of the paperback ones that come in a three pack.

  8. Love 'em! I like pictures of things and have always second guessed why I took or kept a picture and what to do with it - JOURNAL BOOKS! Thank YOU for inspiring me!

  9. I love your idea of the inspiration journal books. That looks like so much fun to do and go back and look at it over and over again.
    You may have inspired me to try to do one.
    Thank you for the great idea and your post!
    Love it:)

  10. When we were renovating Heart's Ease Cottage 20 some years ago, I did a book for doesn't look as organized or beautiful as yours, but after seeing your post, I went and got the book out and looked at it. I am surprised to see how many of the inspirational ideas from that book we actually used! Thanks for sharing your books!

  11. I have made inspiration books since high school. I like your lunch book! Now I know what to do with the pics that I take of my food. I have taken Mary Ann Moss's journal making class and think that sewing stuff onto paper might be a neat way to put things into an inspiration journal.

  12. I love your books! What a great idea to glue it down. I am notorious about clipping ideas and they usually end up in a pile. I am starting an inspiration book! Also love the lunch book; Nesto may like the idea.
    I've been out of pocket -- but letter coming soon.
