Friday, July 22, 2011

Incoming/Outgoing/Too Much Fun

In France, sometimes birds deliver the letters.

A happy lady reading a letter from a loved one....

More fabulous incoming.....

Some of my outgoing hanging out on the post office counter.

I have really been working hard this week trying to reduce my pile of
"To Answer".
A postcard series came to me in the middle of night....

Took a short break from mail art to make up a batch of lemoncello.
If you don't know what that is, you should (trust me).

I particularly liked this one. Hope it has already arrived and I am not spoiling the surprise.

Ok, one more break for a Vietnamese lunch at the PPQ.

Oh boy, all this arrived yesterday, I guess I am not catching up at all.
But I am NOT complaining.
Keep sending me mail (please).

Has anyone read the rumor that the USPS wants to deliver mail only three days a week?
My letter carrier just told me that.
I hope to God it is a rumor and not true. This could be very painful for mail artists and snail mail lovers.

Last night was our third Correspondence Co-Op meeting hosted  by Miss Red Letter Day herself.
These meet-ups are just too much fun.
There was an appearance by the Burning Man PostMaster himself -- James Cline.

Busy, busy - socializing, working on mail art, trading supplies and stories. Everyone has so much to share.

And traveling to Mail Art Land, you need a passport, of course.

With special visas and artistamps.
I have got to learn how to make artistamps. Put that on my to-do list.

Just look at these amazing beauties -- made by Sally W -- San Francisco vintage Muni (bus) Fast Passes.
These are just too cool for words.

I guess that's a wrap, folks. Love to hear if anyone knows about the postal delivery cut-backs. And, I hope all of you mail lovers in the sweltering parts of the US and staying cool.
You could always visit the Cool Gray City, San Francisco, if things are too hot.

Remember, you can also "Like" Cappuccino and Art Journal
on Facebook. I am going to post more photos on he page so check it out.

Happy Mail Day to all.


  1. I finally have vacation! So I can add mail to your pile again :-)

  2. I've been checking out your blog for some time now and I love it. Always look forward to the next post. Love that passport! :) Trust me, I wish I could could fly out to San Francisco to cool off and check out the cool sights/shops. It is soooooo hot and humid here, about 113. I live in Quebec, Canada. Enjoy your weekend!


    I only read this article, but it links to another one that might have more info. So it sounds like a future thought, not at all definite thank God. The comments are interesting too. It seems like most of them are from postal workers.

  4. I love your mail art, you're so creative.:)
    That passport is really awesome too!
    I'd love to come to SF, not only to cool off, but for all the great things to see;)
    Have a great week-end!

  5. I'm flat out jealous of the passport and stamps! So cool. Oh and that card in the top photo just makes me drool! It's so beautiful!

    I wish we had some kind of meeting like this in the Dallas area. If I ever to get to visit San Francisco again, I'll be sure to come when I can visit one of your mail meetings.


  6. Oh and I forgot about the Lemoncello! Care to share your recipe so those of us in the heated areas can cool down?


  7. Those French pieces at the top are precious. The incoming - whee! So much fun in that there pile....and in your outgoing, too. Love your envelope with the happy postman.

    I didn't know that there is a *book* about mail art - oh my gosh!! Imma get me one!

    The passports are just too fabulous - love that...everybody stamping each other's....what fun...

  8. Fantastic post, would love to be at one of your meetings. I have heard that rumor, sounds like Saturday mail will be going for sure. Is mail overtaking your house, or do you have a special way to store/display it? xox Corrine

  9. Thanks everyone! Love to hear from you.
    @Winnie's Girl--thanks for that postal link. It was interesting and I am very relieved that the USPO is taking about "within fifteen years" for three day delivery...whew...
    @happeningsonchaosranch - you can send me your snail mail address or e-mail through my profile and I will send you the limoncello recipe
    @mabb--I have been reading your nice comments on my cards on IUOMA ad planned on sending you one but I need to find your address first...and the Good Mail Day book is great - written by Jennie Hinchcliff and Carolee Wheeler, two SF postal pals...
    @DosFishes - I am working on it! Mail art has taken over my studio but I love it...
    @Jacqueline--hello to Canada!

  10. OMG - I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the passport - I love it...
