Sunday, July 10, 2011

A Postal Weekend in SF (and the Give-Away Winner)

Letter Writing Social on Friday afternoon at Rare Device
here in San Francisco -- hosted by the lovely ladies of the Letter Writers Alliance
Donovan and Kathy.
Lots of members of the local letter writers posse showed up.

Of course there were typewriters to be shared -- and vintage stationary -- and
a LWA stamp.

Miss Curbside Treasures herself -- typing away. Annie worked the Renegade Fair too.
This is one busy lady.
She was at the UpperCase Magazine table and reeled me in. I took one look at that
amazing magazine and signed up for a subscription.
Check it out--

UpperCase Magazine

A good time was had by all - people were waiting in line to type but I caught this shot in a
rare quiet moment.
This was a great start to the weekend.

The next day.....
Saturday (and Sunday) was the Renegade Fair at beautiful Fort Mason.
It's wonderful to see so many people
making beautiful handmade goods.

I made a bee line right to the 16 Sparrows table where Kathy and Donovan
had an incredible assortment of beautiful, handmade, postal themed wonders.

16 Sparrows

I hate to torture you but.......
(I wonder who bought that cool vintage mailbox).

Kathy and Donovan run the Letter Writers Alliance too.

Letter Writers Alliance

I love this space set right on the SF Bay.
The library has the Big Book Sale here every September too.

At the Renegade, you can get a poem written on a typewriter just for you by this lovely lady.
Here's her web site -

The Poetry Store

And, of course, after all that shopping and spending money, lunch must be had!

A thing of beauty....
Donovan showed off her well-organized stamps at the Letter Writing Social --
and I thought I was organized!
Isn't this a great idea?

And now, what you've been waiting for, the winner of the give-away.


Congratulations, Cindy  ( I'll need you to send me your address)
but it's not over yet --
so many of you left me such nice comments I am going to
divide up my second sheet of the USPS stamps and
sent out a strip of ten stamps. I have ten strips so the first
ten people who email me their address will get a
set of the ten stamps in the mail.

(ok--got the ten e-mails & stamps will go out soon)

But keep checking the blog -- I will have more give-aways
coming up to keep things interesting.

In the meantime, thanks for reading the blog and commenting,
and don't forget --
To get good mail, you've got to send good mail!

Have a good one everybody.


  1. The letter writing social looks like fun! I hope to move closer to a big city one day where awesome things like that are always happening.

  2. Such a fun post! Made me wish I could have been there or that there was something like it in the Dallas, TX area. Thanks for sharing all of the great photos, links and fun with us.


  3. Lordy, "girlfriend!" I love your life :)

  4. I was enjoying reading your post about the letter writing social and wishing I could have been there and scrolled down far enough to see my name! Thank you so much for the giveaway. And thank you for this awesome blog :)

  5. Oh Pamela, thanks for the pics. I would love to go to Renegade one of these days....looks super. Uppercase is to die for, haven't subscribed yet, but it is so marvelous and chock full of ideas, might have to now. xox Corrine
