Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Party Time -- a Give Away

Some may not realize San Francisco in the summer is generally very chilly
and foggy. We have had some fabulous weather recently and I am
taking every opportunity to sit outside in my backyard
and write letters and enjoy the weather.

Working on a letter to Isabelle here.

Some of my outgoing mail on Tuesday (with those cool new stamps).
The typewriter and the camera are my two favorites.

Mailart 365
#103 and #104

Check out these beauties -- some of my wonderful incoming.

I wanted to celebrate 100 Followers (now I have inched up to 105)
so let's have a little party.

**Oooh, make that 113 followers. Thanks everyone**

Now to the GIVE AWAY
Here are some hints --
You can use it for decorations as my talented friend
did right here. (Check out her blog - she's great)


You could frame it like like I did here (these are artistamps by John Held, Jr for an example)
and, by the way,  I do hope you all know about
Good Mail Day

Once again, use it for decorative I did on my Mail Art only
Address Book.

Ta da -- here it is -- the Give Away -- a full sheet of wonderful vintage
United States Postal Service stamps.
You have a letter carrier (once known as a mail man), mail sorters, delivery
trucks and all kinds of cool stamps.
FIFTY stamps in all!

And--you can use them to mail things too--if you don't like the
above ideas of framing or decorating.

Close up

Ok, here's the fine print:

You have to be a "follower" of the blog to enter.
US residents only this time.
Just add a comment on the blog and you'll be entered.
Drawing will be on Sunday, July 10.

I limited this to US  followers since these are US stamps and can actually be used here.
Any ideas for a give-away for followers from other countries?
I have been thinking -- maybe some of my handmade envelopes? A selection of cancelled
USA stamps for decorative use? A selection on joss paper to play with?

Don't forget you can LIKE CappuccinoandArtJournal on

Good luck everybody -- keep those comments coming.

Send a Letter Today.


  1. Hi Pamela! I love your blog!

  2. aww thanks so much for linking my blog :)
    please enter me into the giveaway, i adore those stamps.

  3. That's a great give away. I also noticed that you have some of those industrial design stamps on your outgoing mail. Thanks for the reminder. I went to my local branch and they didn't have any, but I intend to buy LOTS. These are the best stamps to come around in a long time.

  4. Very generous of you. :) I'm in! I think for the non-USA followers your handmade envelopes would be a wonderful gift/give-away.

    PS - My boyfriend saw my 'activity' on Facebook of me liking your page/blog and he goes "you don't even like cappuccino". I just laughed and said "no, but I do like mail."

  5. @Mary--you don't like cappuccino? Oh no......but I know you like mail

  6. Aww. I want in. I've been reading your blog for a while now. Very good.

    I like stamps so much I have to keep at least one or two just for the memory. I've even stuck them inside journal covers as mementoes.

    Good luck everyone! If I win I'll send you one on a postcard.

  7. Congrats on having 100+ followers. Don't even know how I found out about your blog, but interested in all things postal.

  8. I just found your blog. This seems like a really nice giveaway. Thank you for the opportunity. A friend actually directed me here and never even knew about it! Well, off to explore!
    Have a great week of letters!

  9. I found your blog over a week ago and love it. Your mail art is awesome. I'd love to find a letter like that in my mail box.
    Great contest too!

  10. I saw that it was 68 degrees in your area today and felt a little twinge of jealousy :) Congrats on reaching over 100+ followers and thanks for the generous and thoughtful giveaway!

  11. I enjoy following your blog - your mail looks interesting!

  12. Hahah. I actually don't even like coffee, tea, cappuccino, etc. Something about the smell of all these things makes me hate the taste. It's super unfortunate because I think I would be great in a Starbucks or some random cafe. ;)

  13. You have a nice back yard for writing letters...shade makes it much easier to write outside.Thanks for the opportunity to participate in the drawing. That is a really cool sheet of stamps!

  14. Congratulations on 105 followers! I've been one since day three :> Count me in for the fascinating stamps.

  15. Hi Pamela,
    I figured it must be chilly in San Francisco. When I see the Giants games on TV, the fans there always seem to have jackets on.

    Great blog and great giveaway. Congratulations.

  16. I was lucky enough to receive one of those outgoing missives that you pictured. I still have to order the new stamps as I have just been using up my zazzle stamps. I imagine myself as the redhead in the vintage stamps sorting the cards. I guess it is never too late!!!

  17. Hi Pamela, it is a very cool idea to giveaway the USPS stamps. I vote that you could send joss paper to any international readers. They are really cool!

  18. Oh-Nevermind-I see I am already a follower!-Cid

  19. Hi Pamela, I left a message on your IUOMA blog about DD!

  20. Wow, thanks Pamela, and Annie's work is so fun to see too. Love those new stamps you are showing too! xox Corrine

  21. Ciao Signora Pamela!!
    I hope you get this (new to commenting, blogging, etc.; I'll catch up to the world someday :D)!
    Everything you do is fabulous! I'm honored to know you postally via the Correspondence Co-op, and as a neighbor!
    All your ideas are great for our other-worldly postal comrades in other countries!
    Sign me up for the fun give away :}
    Mille Grazie, GinaVisione

  22. Hi Pamela, I've been enjoying your blog for awhile but didn't know a thing about following - until I read your July 6th post and you can bet I immediately found out how to follow. Thank you for offering those luscious postal themed stamps..whoever gets them will be very fortunate. Best regards, Phyllis

  23. KSP in DG would like to try her luck of the Irish in the giveaway, once I remember that cappuccino has two Ps and two Cs I can navigate here directly instead of linking from "Make Every Day a Good Mail Day". Love the photo of the new backyard table to enjoy the view and summer from.

  24. Hi Pamela,
    Just a quick note to tell you I am writing not one but TWO letters today. One to Canada and one to s friend in SF. Who could that be? Heh Heh.
    Aren't the stamps great? I love using them on packages to foreign addresses especially because I am sure the folk elsewhere enjoy them as much as I enjoy theirs. Congrats on your 105 followers!

  25. I see a lot of familiar faces here as well as brand new people. Thanks to you all. I appreciate all the nice comments and I love to hear what people are thinking about the posts. Sometimes when you send out these posts into cyberspace you have no idea if anyone is interested so the encouragement is very welcome. And I have more give-away ideas so stay tuned!

  26. I love how you end your blog with "Write a Letter." And your summer mail art is fun! Pls. enter me in your stamp give-away. Have a great day, and oh..write a letter!
    jane smith

  27. Miss Pamela --
    Congratulations on over one hundred faithful readers! Your photos are so beautiful and it is always a treat to read your daily soundbites. No need to enter me in the drawing; I just wanted to say keep up the good work; it really is a joy to read your musings.

  28. I've been coming to check you out every day since I found your blog, so why not be a "follower"? ;) I signed up tonight. I love this giveaway. Great stamps! Thanks for the chance to win.


  29. Hi Pamela,
    In case you haven't seen my comment at IUOMA - I was also joking! I suppose we'll have to start inserting bounteous :-) :-). Anyhow, congratulations on 100 happy readers. I always look forward to a new post.

  30. I always forget the difference between subscribing (which I've done for a while now) and following. So now I'm doing both! Love your work. -Karen

  31. Hi Pamela! I got your mailart today!! yay! My very first mail art! I'm so happy! I loved the sushi tape! Want some! :) I blogged about it too!

  32. I have Karen's problem--follow or subscribe. I added the Google follow too. Congrats on exceeding one hundred. I'm in the 80's now I think.

  33. I've been following for awhile now & just signed up for email updates today. Great stamps you're giving away.

  34. Hi :)
    I just found your blog tonight and I'd follow even without the lure of stamps. (But enter me in the drawing anyway. hehe!) I love your posts; such wonderful mail art. Congrats on 100+ followers.
