Thursday, June 30, 2011

Send It to Get It!

It has been kind of busy around here lately and I have had to scramble to keep up with my letter writing and mail art.
Here are some of my outgoing envelopes and cards.

This is the back of Annejo's, going out to
The Netherlands.

More outgoing 

Mailart 365 cards
#101/365 and #102/365
I especially like the bike card. I am wondering if the string will make it to Gina's mailbox.

My sweetie built a tiny deck off my studio. And he just came home with  a red chair  for me to sit on so I can read mail  sitting outside in the sun.

Incoming - from Miss Red Letter Day, Jennie Hinchcliff and
John Held, Jr - my lucky day - or maybe I should say
A Red Letter Day!

From Rose in Australia
(notice Australia in the lower left corner)

A Royal Wedding stamp!
I wonder why no one put my face on a stamp when I got married?

Now this nice?
I think it is pretty crummy for the USPO not to cancel the stamps and instead put
an ugly black line through them and ruin them.
Not nice.   "Dislike"

Wow! After Meike's story about my mail art my blog views went way up.
Kind of fun to see. A couple of new "followers" from Germany,
some e-mails. All fun.

And now guess what?
Since I have reached 100 Followers (don't quit on me, anybody) I am going
to have a give-away very soon to celebrate.

I was going to do it on this post but since it is a holiday weekend here in the
USA I figured some folks may be away from their
computers and on the road or out of town.
So, to give everyone a chance, I will wait till next week.

In the meantime, I am sending good mail so I will get

What do you think I will be giving away?


  1. I don't know how you have time to do anything else, with all that outgoing mail, every one of which will delight someone (and perhaps their letter carrier too.)

  2. I can't help but think how much happiness you are sending out to the world. I think I am an follower? I had better check to make sure.

  3. Oh I hate it when thy put a stripe trough a pretty postage stamp with pen or marker !

    Congratulations on your 100 followers :)
    Will you be giving away something letter writing related?

  4. You have a superhero husband too Pamela! I totally agree with that ugly black line through those wonderful stamps, NOT necessary. Great stuff going out. How many letters do you send in a week? xox Corrine

  5. I noticed the beautiful paper and then I saw it had my name on it... hooray! :D And polka dots on the back too!

  6. @Annejo-just took your letter t the post office. Had to get some dollar stamps for it! And while I was there I picked up the new stamps with old phones and typewriters on them - very cool.
    @Corrine--you know, I don't keep count but I probably should. I am very prolific and a fast writer so most of the time I can get everything done -- but not always!
    @Henderica--yes, the give-away is postal related. Stay tuned.

    And thanks for Christine H and Sharon for the nice comments. When I was interviewed last week I told the journalist I like mail art because it is so much fun.

  7. Now that's just mean. It's defacing art and devaluing the stamps' future collective worth, no? That's lovely mail though. :)

  8. Love the little red chair and deck--it looks like a cozy spot--perfect for reading letters in the fresh air :)

  9. Love the British Royal couple stamp! Your sun-nook is great, too.

  10. Great blog - I will follow! :)
    "I wonder why no one put my face on a stamp when I got married?"
    You can do it now at, for example. See my blog for examples. :)
