Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Amazing Mail

Would you just look at what I found on my doorstep on Monday?
My postal pal Kelly is really out-doing herself.
The photo really doesn't do it justice.
Even my son and his best friend were impressed and trust me, they are not easily impressed by anything.
I just love this sushi bento box.
Arigato Kelly!

And from Julie --- all the way from Germany -- just look at those hearts and  decorations.
Every one of them stayed on. I can't believe it.
The USPO and the Deutch postal service working together.
How cool is that?

This is only SOME of the incoming I have been getting this week.
Now, you ask, what have I been doing?

Santa Cruz Beach and Boardwalk beckoned......

You can't blame me....just look at those beautiful blue skies and that blue ocean.
And it was about 75'.

And there was lunch.
Chowder and a crab sandwich.
What is a mail artist to do?

Ok, I did finally get down to work and here are just a few of my outgoing.

Yes, I did take them to the post office and get things into the mail.

Going out to Texas.....hope it gets there. A vintage Texas apron in a zip lock bag.

Bye Bye

Send A Letter to Get a Letter!

What did you do this week?


  1. Hi Pamela,
    I'm still cranking out the mail and eating popscicles and paletas.

    I love that bento box! The bingo card with stamps on some of the numbers is brilliant...I'm doing that for sure.

  2. Chowder and a crab sandwich sounds divine! On the beach, what could be better! xox Corrine

  3. Wow! What awesome mail! :) Can't blame you for taking advantage of the weather, I've been doing a lot of that myself and slacking on the mail and swaps. :( Oh well, winter will be here soon enough so need to enjoy the sun and heat while I can.

  4. That is some amazing mail! I don't do anything anywhere near that intense or decorative, and my local post office sometimes doesn't want to send my more decorated envelopes! WOW!
