Friday, April 22, 2011

Ta Da!

The names are in the hat. Okay, it's not a hat but close enough.
Good luck everybody!

And the winner is ---- Aurora.
I will get a set of envelopes in the mail to you by Monday (at the latest).

But everyone else, remember, if you send me mail you will get mail from me.
There's more than one way to get an envelope.
And, I have a couple more give-aways planned so stayed tuned.
Or logged in.

Now, out and about in San Francisco again. I really want some some of these
"Bonjour" labels -- if anyone is in France or Canada and wants to trade Bonjour labels for envelopes let me know.

Same goes for these -- I am not sure what language they are but they are cool.

What does this say?
Japan Center
Prayers for peace and good wishes to Japan.

Where else but Berkeley would you see this?
A bicycle built for two with a blind man is the backseat. Pretty cool, don't you think?

Thanks to all who entered the contest and liked the envelopes.
Hope everybody has a good mail day today.

Remember--you've got to send good mail to get good mail.


  1. Wow ! Congratulations Aurora !! :D :D
    I am keeping my eyes opened . :D :D
    I love these envelopes !! I love writing letters so much .. And I have never sent you a letter . Can I send you one please? :) :)
    Sara ( )

  2. I love your basket (not a hat). Great labels. Berkeley reminds me of the Cambridge of the west with really big hills. I'll be back in Cali in 2 weeks and The Dh is coming at the end for a few extra days. I am tempted to head back into Berkely to get to the botanic garden. I was there and spent the whole day almost at the art museum and wandering around near the tower on campus and the cool little independent bookstore. xox Corrine

  3. Today I got your letter! It really cheered up my day ^__^

  4. @Sara--of course, I'd love to hear from you!
    @DosFishes - are you going to be in SF?
    @Annejo--that seems fast. So happy you liked it.

  5. WooHoo! i am so excited to win thank you Pamela. Thank you too Sara for the congrats :)
    have a good weekend everyone!

  6. Pam, I think the hello tag/sticker is in Japanese; that looks like "konichiwa" in katakana characters. :)

  7. Ooooh ! Thank you pamela ! I've sent you an email. Can you give me your address ? :D :D

    You are welcome Aurora ! You are one hell of a lucky winner. :D ;D

  8. I just stumbled across an Etsy seller who was collecting money for her friend who has pancreatic cancer. I bought two pieces of handmade soap from her and had them sent to you :-) I hope they're good - I just really liked the cause and I thought you might enjoy them :-)

  9. @Melissa--FYI it is always Pamela never Pam (thanks). I wondered if that was Japanese writing but I thought they always write in columns and not across....
    @Annejo -- thank you for thinking of me. Funny, i just picked up a little something for you this morning too (not socks).

    Trying to work on a new blog post and sending some mail today....
