Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Quick Look

When mail artists get sick
it is a good chance to put pen to paper
and fold envelopes
and play catch-up.

Some outgoing on Monday
after a (boring) stay-at-home weekend.

I am usually out running around all weekend long but not this past one.

But all wasn't lost, I have been catching up on my overdue correspondence .

All of this went out today.

And who knew the Easter Bunny uses the US Postal Service?

These Easter candies arrived in my mailbox just in time and amazingly
not broken or squished.
Thanks Alice.

A look at what I have been up to this past week at Cough-and-Cold-Central!
Hopefully no germs will be going through the mail,
just mailart.


  1. Very, very nice going for someone who's ill. I know what you mean, though. Bed rest can be boring, but not for letter-writers. :)

    Happy to hear your candy arrived safe and sound. I sent my daughter 3 bracelets. They were double packaged, yet the beads managed to get crushed.

    Hope you're 100% real soon!


  2. Oh, I hope you're feeling much better. Wouldn't want to be sick when spring blooms are awakening.

  3. Feel better, enjoy the ladybugs. I like that recipe envelope, fun...xox Corrime

  4. What a great way to use that sick time...and a great stack o' mail!

  5. Wow wow wow! I stumbled onto your blog and it's beautiful!! Let's trade mail sometime soon!
