Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Envelope Give-Away!

I really enjoy making envelopes.
Nothing is sacred. These are from an Edible San Francisco magazine.
I read it first, of course.

These guys are from the free cooking magazine they give away at the Japanese Supermarket.

And, of course, the ever popular take-out menu envelopes.

Yes, I have been working on catching up with some of my outgoing.
These going out to Annejo in The Netherlands, Isabelle in France and to Garci.

Some lovely incoming on Monday.....

Biggest surprise of all on Saturday - a gorgeous hand sewn portfolio from Cecelia.

Here it is opened up - isn't this beautiful? 

Here's the Give-Away idea -- since I love making envelopes, I have quite a stockpile of them so  I thought I would give away a set of ten different envelopes.

Just leave me a comment and on Thursday (the 21st) I will randomly pull a name out of a hat to see who will get them.
I have menu envelopes, comic envelopes, typewriter envelopes...I'll pull one from each set.

Ready, set -- get busy and write a letter --
but don't forget to leave me a comment first if you want a shot at some of these envelopes.

Happy Mail Day.


  1. Must be a giveaway day!!! That envelope on this post is in my hands and opened, thanks sooooo much for all the goodies. Our Japanese market in Somerville closed so I can't go get all the seaweed goodies I used to with my friend whole lived in Japan for two years. We would make an adventure and have wonderful food at the Japanese restaurant next door. Miss it... I have lots of mail and collage uses for these goodies, you will see some no doubt! xox Corrine

  2. Lovely Envies! The green tea one reminded me that I have some green tea mochi balls in the cupboard!

  3. I love envelopes too! I would be very happy to enter your give-away! And I hope this finds you well and happy.

  4. Well, darn it, I want a shot at these envelopes. And so far, so good!

  5. I'll take one! I think I owe you a letter. I'm on break now so I'm making envies. Talk to you soon. (from sendsomething.net)

  6. I would love to receive some of your creations!

  7. I love envelopes, I want a chance!

  8. What fun to be able to receive some of your great envies...put my name in the hat!

  9. Wow! It would be a pleasure to receive some of these goodies. Cool work!!

  10. I am looking forward to seeing the Japanese menu envelope with Tito Puente stamp!
    The ticket stub postcard that you received is awesome, as is the hand-sewn portfolio. People are getting very creative!

  11. I would love to have some of these to go with my collection of Reginald Bray curios

  12. I love your envelopes! For all you envelope fans, check out Benjamin Shaws great envelopes too. He sent me a load of envelopes recently and yours remind me of his in many ways.

  13. WOW ! I LOVE your envelopes. They look awesome !! :) I saw a previous post about type writer manual envelopes and I was almost drooling. hahaha The winner for these is going to be VERY lucky. :D :D
    Yep ! Count me in and put my name in the hat. :D
    You really are so kind to hold these kind of give-aways no matter who wins. :D :D
    Sara ( aprstoer@gmail.com )

  14. I love those first ones, they're so pretty :)

  15. These are some fabulous envelopes - i would love to win some! Thanks for having the giveaway.

  16. Oh, you have such great envelopes so count me in!!!

  17. You should have seen me last night. My daughter took a class at the library, & I sat & made envelopes! All my May b-day cards will be sent in envelopes made by me.

  18. You've given me lots of ideas with this post, thanks so much! I've only decorated envelopes, not made my own so far, but that will change!
    Jeanne K. elisekasten@yahoo.com

  19. I LOVE the dandelion envelopes. So beautiful!

  20. Great stuff here today (and always!) That portfolio is beautiful and I'm very intrigued by the piece of mail made from woven tickets.

  21. Your envelopes are so inspiring! Really like the Edible San Franciso ones. And I *love* the sewn portfolio from Cecilia - absolutely charming! Hmm, I think I need to go make some envelopes...

  22. That portfolio is so beautiful! What a wonderful gift!

    (You don't have to enter me into the contest btw because I think shipping would be high for all those envelopes and I already get such lovely ones from you :-))

  23. Oooo I would love some and hope that you could find it in your heart to send some to the UK!!!!

  24. Greetings from Hamilton, Ontario Canada. Please please pick my name and send me some of your fabulous envelopes.
    Take care!
    Monique Campbell

  25. oh, of course i would be interested in such a thing! how can i resist commenting for a chance to win?

  26. So colorful! Me too please!

  27. Thanks you guys -- love hearing from you and getting comments. I will keep the give-away open till 6PM PST (you do the math) and post the winner tomorrow morning. Good luck to all and hope you are all having a good mail day.

  28. i started tearing apart my walking dead book,
    it's a HUGE compendium. if you'd like some of
    the pages for your envelopes, lmk. i'd be happy
    to send them along. you have a jesus zombie coming your way!!!

  29. I know the contest is closed. I just wanted to say--what a great way to recycle! I recently bought a Beautiful Sunset book with full page photos of California from the thrift store and have been making envelopes from that. Some have turned out better than others. Do you use a template?

  30. @Cindy -- thanks. I bought templates but I never use them. I found I much prefer freeform folding. And yes, some envelopes do come out better than others, depends on the placement of the images and where you have to fold...
