Monday, May 2, 2011

This just in.....

Stranger things have happened
(I guess)
but this bowl from Superhero arrived on my front steps
without a single chip or scratch.

Click here to check out Superhero's project -

I'm a Superhero on IUOMA

A colorful envelope from Dos Fishes and that bowl again (I can't get over it). Sometimes the USPS outdoes itself -- and other times? Not so much.
I haven't received a letter mailed to me from Boston ten days ago and the envelope Mim sent me with French stamps inside never was delivered either. What gives?

(Right after I posted this, Mim emailed and said she wrote the wrong address on her envelope to me and she is re-sending. That clears up the mystery of one of the missing letters anyway.)
Typewriters all over town these days

A few going out from me....

Another typewriter spotted

Outgoing today - Fast Eyes is getting some fast eyes.......

A stop for some Vietnamese pho

Are these mailboxes colorful or just sad?
You decide.

Welcome and thanks to the new "Followers" and all of you have have been leaving comments and encouragement. Much appreciated.

Make some good mail today.


  1. I know it is not polite to say, but I don't like graffiti. I know there are many, many who support this sort of public art and free expression, but I'm not one of them. And even when I was young, I didn't like it, so it isn't just my age speaking ;-)

  2. I was thinking about that plate, and then the Pho got me distracted. Food does that. That really is amazing and wonderful that the plate made it. I have many postcards that arrive damaged, so this is nothing short of a miracle. I think that letter carriers appreciate this though - as an amusement and as a demonstration of their abilities.

  3. @ChristineH -- I understand, food distracts me too.....I agree with what you said, I think the postal service does like to meet a challenge (at least sometimes).

  4. A bowl, wow, that is fantastic! Some gorgeous typewriters you spotted Pamela. They do seem to be everywhere these days and expensive! xox Corrine

  5. I've been ill for a a week but that Pho really made me hungry.... and that bowl! Awesome! I liked the WWII link to it - tomorrow is National Remembrance day, we have a 2 minute silence for all the victims of the war and Thursday we celebrate our freedom. The 2 minute silence is very impressive, the whole country goes quiet.

  6. that bowl just reconfirms my LOVE of the USPS!! Really fun! And I am drooling over those typewriters.

  7. wow - totally amazing on the bowl. i got a postcard with 2 coins taped to it. i'm surprised it didn't trip up a machine and get totally destroyed. i don't like that grafitti, does nothing for the mail boxes.

  8. @Aurora - I taped a peso to a Mexican themed postcard I made but it didn't make it.....(did you get your packet of envelopes I sent?).
    @Katie - lots and lots of typewriters all over SF, some are very expensive
    and some are not. I see them them a lot on eBay but shipping is a lot
    @Annejo -- feel better soon (I have been sick too)
    @PostMuse and Aurora -- the grafitti is losing....I didn't like it either but it caught my eye

  9. That bowl was sent naked? You mean I don't need to bubblewrp things?

    Oh, and I just bought a vintage (well, just retro) typewriter last week. It still has to ship, but I'm excited :) .... It was only $25 ... Plus shipping .... Probably lots of bubble wrap too ....

    (Thanks for visiting me)

  10. Oh wow ! You got a bowl ... without a single scratch ! WOW ! I didn't even know things like that could be sent without wrapping. :D:D LOL
