Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Pile-Up

The letters are really piling up -- just sayin'.
Not that I want anyone to stop sending me mail.

Saturday I made a fun trip to Chinatown for joss paper and lunch. I think I may have enough joss paper to last me all year.  I do share -- I have sent a lot of bits and pieces of it out into the world.

Mailart 365
88/365, 89/365, 90/365, 91/365
Outgoing collages with joss paper.
If you are interested in the 365 group, check out all the work on

Incoming mail on my desk -- from Sally in London, Alice in SF, from Germany, Tallie in Washington state, Millicent.....the list goes on...

Oh boy.
I am starting to get a little worried about catching up on my outgoing.
The lovely piece on the top is from Katerina Nikoltsou in Greece. She's in the Mailart 365 group.

From Smoke & Mirrors Studio
The Radio Post arrived yesterday.
Really good reading and images.
You can get a free copy of #1 and #2 by writing:
The Radio Post, Smoke & Mirrors Studio, Valdemarsgade 36 - st, 1665 Copenhagen V
Send them some good mailart and include your name and address.
And, I kind of wonder why this comes from Denmark but my envelope had an Irish stamp on it.

My (handmade) weekly planner -- I think I'd better start scheduling letter writing sessions.

This arrived today from Australia from someone brand new to writing me.
Rose found me on Carolee's Good Mail Day blog
and sent a great zine-type piece about her week. 

Donovan -- the chocolate has left the building.
Sea salt, almonds and dark chocolate.
That is just too good.

$50 more broke than I was an hour ago. Just went up to my local Post Office and loaded up on the  new 29 cent stamps for postcards (in effect on Sunday) and the cool new "Green" stamps.
And, guess what?
The designer of the Green stamps, Eli Noyes, lives right here in San Francisco and right in my neighborhood and I get to photograph him for the newspaper I work for.
Do you think the USPO gave him any free sets of the stamps he designed?
I think not.
I will post a link to the interview when it comes out.

Saw this today and hope they aren't talking to me. Maybe I better get caught up on all my  letter writing and mailart by May 21 -- just in case.

My next post will be about a Give-Away so stay tuned you all.

Happy Mail.
I think I'd better go and write a couple of letters.
Bye kids.


  1. This makes me so happy Pamela, those wonderful reds and golds. Are you sending people luck? I bet you are.


  2. I'm glad to know that even a postal goddess like you gets a little back-log of letters. I also love that there is such a great network of fun souls that are connected through this.

  3. @Sharon -- I hope they are good luck! I will consider them that anyway...I am very partial to re/gold so I love them
    @stephrudolph -- love the postal goddess comment! And trust me, I am behind....but I am loving all the mail.

  4. Your mail carrier must be very amused by all of the colorful mail you receive!

  5. Miss P. -- absolutely adore your wonderful weekly planner! I'd -definitely- go on a letter writing adventure with you, oh yes I would! :-)

  6. @Miss JH -- I make those planners every year and most of my friend say they don't want them because they use a BlackBerry planner -- I'd love to make you a 2012 one.

  7. What a stash Pamela. Fantastic reds in those outgoing post cards.....and your planner book is so fun. I see that typewriter image which I love.....enjoy the weekend, hope sunny is in the forecast. xox Corine

  8. I love all those red envelopes! Beautiful :-) And so much mail!

  9. My god ! Your letters are awesome ! They are the most colourful , most creative mails I have ever seen ! WOW ! The green cute stamps you purchased are.. cute. !! :D :D And the planner looks wonderful !
    How talented are you for these things once again ?? :D
