Friday, April 8, 2011

Post It

Some more incoming -- Tallie sent photos of the mailart show she curated at Mindport -- very fun to see.  Some collage postcards and old French ones from Christine H.
Just a lot of great stuff.
Thanks everybody.

Here are some French stamps a pal brought me back from Paris. The French have such great stamps--food, holidays,animals., trains, towns and cities........

But this one cracks me up -- a stamp honoring the washing machine?
Now that's funny.

Catching up with a cappuccino and a very interesting book at the Caffe Puccini.
The Englishman Who Posted Himself
John Tingey

Short post today -- been busy. So busy I forgot to take pictures of the mailart I sent out.
Oh well.
Have a good weekend, everybody.
Write a letter
or go post yourself!


  1. That is a great book! I own it myself and loved the different pictures of what he had sent. It's amazing what types of things you can mail if you want to.

  2. It seems to be going around. I mailed a whole stack of letters without photographing them first, there were some really fun ones in the stack too! Oh well as long as the recipients see them I guess that's what really matters.

  3. I'm pleased that you like the book

  4. @John -- thanks for the comment. it's a wonderful book and making the rounds among all the mail artists I know.

  5. You too Pamela. That washing machine stamp is a hoot. A little too modern for the old time engravers I suspect, they would poo poo it. Thanks for the sweet comments. Hugs, xox Corrine

  6. I just saw this book a couple of weeks ago in a Brooklyn bookstore & it was love at first sight. On my wish-list now. :)

  7. @steph Did you see the author, John Tingey, posted above? Very fun. The book is great fun to read and might give you some crazy mail ideas....
