Friday, March 25, 2011

A Week's Mail

Incoming Monday

Incoming Tuesday

Wonderful Mailart birthday card from Dos Fishes

Incoming Mail Wednesday
Just one postcard - but a good one.
(thanks JP)

Thursday Incoming
(happily heavy on birthday cards)

Friday Incoming -- two from France and two 365 cards from Super Hero

My outgoing to NYC - both to CS -- I left page one out of the first envelope  so I had to send it in a second envelope. Both envelopes are Japanese themed. I don't think she'll mind getting two.
My Outgoing Friday -
a few Mailart 365 cards going out, and check out those envelopes made from a
Philatelic catalog.

It was a pretty good week mail-wise. I think there was more incoming than outgoing so maybe I need to get busy.
And I still have a birthday to look forward to.


  1. You had a spectacular week for mail art. Enjoy your birthday celebration. xox Corrine

  2. is that Gregory Corso on the incoming postcard for Wednesday?

  3. This puts it into perspective for me how many letters you must write. How do you have time for writing such great letters?! yes - I counted - you got close to THIRTY pieces of mail this week....I struggle to get more than 3 letters a week out. I am bowing over & over in Mail Art Goddess.

  4. @steph - you are a riot! All my weeks aren't this wonderful with mail. I got a number of birthday mailings which bumped up my total. And you see I sent out only three letters - plus a number of collaged postcards (I owe you a letter!). But thanks for the compliment. I tend to write more on the weekends when I have time and I made my collaged cards in groups....

  5. Pamela....when is your Birthday? I'm celebrating my BIG 40 on the 31st. I Love MARCH people. Happy DAY Lady! Hope your cake is bigger than the row or candles on it...LOL. Cheers----> Millicent

  6. How beautiful all this mail is. I just got that same RUSH stamp you have.

    I owe you a letter. I'm behind but I'll get there!

  7. A letter is crossing the ocean right now :-)

  8. @Annejo - yay! Crossing from the Netherlands and two are traveling from France and I am waiting eagerly.....
