Thursday, March 31, 2011


Suddenly, after over a week of rain, San Francisco has gotten hot -- and incredibly beautiful out.
I'm surprised I am getting any work done!
Outgoing mail from me.......

More of my outgoing (these all went out today).

Incoming---oohlala -- a beauty from France
and some great mail from AS (the rubber stamping queen) and Donovan B.

Look -- there is some actual space on my work table. Yesterday was 82' in SF, I opened all the doors in my studio and cleaned off my work table. Every once in a while you gotta do it. Now I can start making another mess.

Check it out -- clean work space!

I want to work on my Chinatown artist's book and need to spread out.

Lunch break

After lunch I came home to find these four postcards -- thanks to all,
Sara, Mary, Antic Ham (Ireland) and Kyra (Sweden).

San Franciscans are coming outside in droves to enjoy this incredible weather. We will be freezing in the fog all summer so every day that is warm and sunny is to be appreciated.

Happy Mail Day to all.


  1. I love your work space! Have you ever done a post about it? If not, you should! I love seeing where other people create. :)

  2. I'm envious of the clean workspace. I keep trying but so far the "clean" part is not so much. I can't even imagine 82ยบ there. What's up with that?!

  3. Fab mail going out and coming in. Wonderful worspace and soooo neat. I love the big cutter and vintage typewriter and all thos inks, yum. xox Corrine

  4. I have never been much of a mail adherent, unlike most denizens of the typosphere.

    HOWEVER: Having gazed upon the above, I have been filled with a sensation akin true love. It's just so damn pretty.
