Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Take a little walk with me around San Francisco.

Love these old Asian tins, the red and gold, the lovely graphics.
Yes, I have collected quite a few of them.
Happily, the new ones are very nice too and not expensive.

Shall we buy a Chinese newspaper? Great for mailart projects or wrapping presents.

And this is the Golden Fire Hydrant celebrated every April for being the one that saved my neighborhood in the 1906 earthquake.
It is repainted gold and decorated with flowers every year.

The lovely light in an artist's studio.

And, of course we have to stop for an inspiring lunch too.
I am always inspired by food.

Some rubber stamps for sale.

A shrine in a joss shop.
I am a real sucker for these.

A lovely old paint box.

A very San Francisco sight, a menu hanging on a gate.
Take one to make an envelope with.

Hope you enjoyed the walk and lunch.
If you enjoyed this, let me know, and I will show you more
from my travels around town.

Happy Mailing!


  1. I always enjoy your visual travels! And dream of visiting such a lovely place.

  2. I would love to see more!! I don't get to San Francisco often and when I do, I don't get time to peruse the city properly.

  3. Thanks you two...
    @titancia - you gave me an idea. People are always emailing me about visits to SF, what to do, where to eat, where are the cool shops...I should just do a post of visiting SF and have it in the archives for when people ask. Thanks for giving me an idea.

  4. hey pamela!

    nice posts, i enjoyed very much your mail art works. i'd love to visit san francisco one day, it's so nice to see these goodies on the streets. drop me a line and send your address if you want to have a pal from brazil. it would be a pleasure!

    see you around!

  5. Love the tour. Those tins are spectacular and you've given away somesecrets of your materials. Please, more and send some shrimp my way! xox Corrine

  6. Thanks for the stroll around town! I particularly loved the paintbox... I think the tour is greatly enhanced my your artistic eye.

  7. Loved your virtual walk. I wish I could see some of these places. I should do something like this with my Chicago rambles. Too bad today's a work day!

  8. Oh yes, you know I've asked about SF before because I've never been. So please let us see more of the beautiful city!

  9. I so enjoyed our "walk" together...I was especially interested in the old rubber stamps! Hope we can stroll again real soon :>

  10. Let's hear it for the golden hydrant! One of my favorite places here in the City, and a great view as well. Thanks for sharing your lovely photos...
