Thursday, July 26, 2018

Put some rings on it!

Not a lot of writing today -- just want to show you a book I made as a gift for a dear friend.
Every time I visit her studio I take a lot of photos because I love the way everything looks and this time I realized she might like to have some of the photos.

She liked it!!
And I hope you will enjoy a look too. It was a fun project to I am working on a similar book for me of my summer adventures.
Next post will be Incoming Mail.....

Everybody keeping cool? If you aren't, you can always come to San Francisco to cool off.
I see a big fog bank out my window and it is a cool and breezy 62 degrees.


Monday, July 16, 2018

Send Good Mail

Send Good Mail -- Get Good Mail
So, I've been sending and I've been getting (next post). My PDX pal Michelle (@HoldDear on IG) and I wanted to trade mail and Michelle suggested an air mail theme....
I can do that.
I sent her an altered Altoid tin and a vintage air mail rubber stamp....

I put some cards on a ring and wound some air mail washi tape to share with her...

And, of course, I decorated a card to go along for the ride...

All tied up with some air mail stripe ribbon. She has received it by now so I can show you the pictures.

Some funny faces for another Michele (@mbcano1 on IG).

My pal Susanna posted about the mail I sent her and
you can see it right here
And, my other pal, Virgo in the Russian Republic also posted the mail I sent him and 
you can see that right here

Fun making envelopes
The top one envelope was made from a Logan airport map of the Boston transit system -- with some baggage claim washi tape to further the theme.
And the lobsters and corn are for a pal in Cape Cod who is torturing me with photos of all the lobster and corn she's been having.
Another air mail theme -- the stamps anyway -- went off to the wonderful collage artist Cuan Miles.

I sent Cuan a little pile of collages.

Summery beachy envelope on the bottom...even though it isn't summery and beachy here.

This is what happens when you find a book all about French kings in a little free library.....

For my special Aries pal Vizma in Australia.
A little thank you mail..

I like little folders where I can tuck things inside the pockets.
So, there you have it -- some of my out-going I am hoping since I sent good mail I get good mail...
Even though I send some mail out almost every day, I am always scrambling to keep up and I have a lot of people to still respond to.

Next post -- INCOMING!

Friday, July 6, 2018

It's Going to be a Book Making Summer

I started looking at some old books I made.....and that me started thinking...
(I'm not yelling - I'm just excited)

Everyone has a style and I like things fat and happy, bursting the seams and tabs sticking out the sides and tops.....

I like re-purposing mail art I get into book pages. A fun way to keep mail and be able to sit and look at it.

This one is going to be my summer altered book -- looks very summery, don't you think? A lot more summery than it actually is here in San Francisco but I do get out of the city on weekends alot and actually see some sun.

Look at this marbled beauty - the covers and endpapers are all beautiful. I am cutting up some old file folders from Scrap SF for pages for this one. The colors are the same in both the marbling and folder (burgundy and brown).

This little cutie is much smaller than the others -- postcard size....

Look how much better the cover looks with a coat of Liquidex  Gel Medium and some roses.

Since this one is postcard size I decided to add some vintage postages to the pages....

Look at these two beauties! I am making twins for myself and one for  someone special, who I will be visiting for Thanksgiving....we are going to work on the pages inside together but I am prepping them now.

Pretty but plain...hum...I am going to have to add something to this cover.

I love finding different things for the card? Yes!  I have used blueprints and menu's and map pages .....and I cut up a lot of file folders (again, from Scrap) for pages because they are thin and strong. You can collage on top of them.

A very kind mail art pal turned me onto colored rings and she sent me these. I have got to find more,

Being an Aries and being me, I never do anything half way so now I am working on at least six different books all at the same time.
Keeps me out of trouble.
Thanks to Linda F for sending me some of these great RD covers and the blue marbled ones. 

I just love the way the books looks all fat and happy.
If I make enough maybe I will sell a few. Maybe.
So, what are you all doing for fun?
We don't have beaches or hot weather and it doesn't feel too much like summer in San Francisco so my fun is playing with paper.

Anybody else out there doing anything fun?
Do tell.I love to hear from you.