Friday, July 6, 2018

It's Going to be a Book Making Summer

I started looking at some old books I made.....and that me started thinking...
(I'm not yelling - I'm just excited)

Everyone has a style and I like things fat and happy, bursting the seams and tabs sticking out the sides and tops.....

I like re-purposing mail art I get into book pages. A fun way to keep mail and be able to sit and look at it.

This one is going to be my summer altered book -- looks very summery, don't you think? A lot more summery than it actually is here in San Francisco but I do get out of the city on weekends alot and actually see some sun.

Look at this marbled beauty - the covers and endpapers are all beautiful. I am cutting up some old file folders from Scrap SF for pages for this one. The colors are the same in both the marbling and folder (burgundy and brown).

This little cutie is much smaller than the others -- postcard size....

Look how much better the cover looks with a coat of Liquidex  Gel Medium and some roses.

Since this one is postcard size I decided to add some vintage postages to the pages....

Look at these two beauties! I am making twins for myself and one for  someone special, who I will be visiting for Thanksgiving....we are going to work on the pages inside together but I am prepping them now.

Pretty but plain...hum...I am going to have to add something to this cover.

I love finding different things for the card? Yes!  I have used blueprints and menu's and map pages .....and I cut up a lot of file folders (again, from Scrap) for pages because they are thin and strong. You can collage on top of them.

A very kind mail art pal turned me onto colored rings and she sent me these. I have got to find more,

Being an Aries and being me, I never do anything half way so now I am working on at least six different books all at the same time.
Keeps me out of trouble.
Thanks to Linda F for sending me some of these great RD covers and the blue marbled ones. 

I just love the way the books looks all fat and happy.
If I make enough maybe I will sell a few. Maybe.
So, what are you all doing for fun?
We don't have beaches or hot weather and it doesn't feel too much like summer in San Francisco so my fun is playing with paper.

Anybody else out there doing anything fun?
Do tell.I love to hear from you.



  1. So fun to see the RD cover and coloured rings I sent you getting used! Can't wait to see how the your Summer Seahorse one turns out!

    1. Jewels -- and THANK YOU. I love those colored rings so much -- they add a little bling!

  2. Loving your books. I'm planning to make a book for all the mail art envelopes I have received in the mail. Do you have a book for just envelopes? If yes, do you fold the larger envelopes? I have a book for postcards but need to start a second book. If you want a hot summer come to MD. Whew, it's so hot and I hate it. I've been spending lots of time with family, mini beach vacations, and trying to find some craft time.

    1. Jewels -- I don't want a hot summer like most people have but it is crazy chilly & foggy & windy here a lot of days (but not today). I haven't been to a beach in years! A friend showed me how to make a really great mail art envelope book -- I will try to post some photos next time to show you because it is great for large envelopes.

    2. OOPS I mean Patt!!!!!!!! I swear Blogger reversed the comments....

  3. SO I think I figured this comment thing out!!!! Look at all those journals, they are going to be fantastic! Can't wait to see how these progress...

  4. I would gladly trade my hot and humid, icky summer for your chilly and foggy days. I adore those altered books and you have truly given me an idea of how I can save both postcards and gifted handmade cards. You are SUCH an inspiration, Pamela.

    1. Thanks so much, Elizabeth -- I am so glad you enjoyed the post. Another way I save postcards I have received is to just punch a whole in the upper left corner and put them on large rings and hang them up. It is very cool to see them that way. It works with cards too....

  5. Your books look fabulous. I especially like those old game cards and the lovely end papers. For fun this summer, a friend and I have made the "First Thursdays Art Night Crawl" in our town a standing date. I've also been to hear my favorite polka band TWICE (including on my birthday which fell on a Tuesday! What are the odds of that happening again??). Our weather has been all over the place this summer with above average rain in June, above average temps, lots of sun, and enough humidity to curl the hair in your nose. Blech.

    1. Howdy Miss Iowa -- polka! You don't see that here in SF! Sounds like you are having some fun. And a standing First Thursday Art Date -- very good! I am getting the feeling I should be happy about our cool and foggy weather here....

  6. Love your books. Have fun filling them! I am working on Letter Journals and ATC's, but also on Travel Journals for me and my sister. We are going to Spain this year.

  7. Nina -- Oooo I love Spain. Where exactly are you going? And travel jouranls for you and your sister? I hope I will get to see some photos of them. I am working on a couple of travel journals too.

  8. There are several junk journal groups out there. We have such fun and lots of swaps.

    1. Millicent -- my pal Margarete started a junk journal group on FB so I've seen them. Isn't it great to have a glue stick in hand?

  9. Hot and humid here in Florida! After doing my outdoor activities early in the morning (biking and gardening),I am continuing to make tiny books (thank you for your inspiration), participating in ICAD, and taking some online art classes.

    1. Oh Christie-- you are a very busy one, I know. I love all your art projects and your tiny books are adorable. That reminds me, I need to make some more.....another day, another project, right?

  10. These are looking great! Glad you've found such a fun project for the marble covers. I'll look forward to getting a peek at your Thanksgiving journals!

    1. Thank you, Linda -- I am looking forward to my Thanksgiving journal too. i know I will put some menus in them because I love Southern food and some photos and local ephemera....and thank you again for the covers -- what would I do without you?

  11. I'm in love with the summer seahorse paper. Recently I've become a bit infatuated with them. Thanks for sharing. These are inspiring!

    1. Jackie -- thank you for the encouragement and comment. Much appreciated. Those sea horses are pretty darn cute!

  12. Oh, how yummy!! I’ve been wanting to do some books. I love the rings.

    1. Thanks so much -- hope you have as much fun making books as I do.

  13. Six books at the same time! Wow! You are addicted it seems! All looks so nice already! Very inspiring! Can´t wait to see them finished!

    1. Thanks very much -- I like to have a lot going on at the same time! I will show them when they are all finished....

  14. Hot an humid here in upstate new York...ick! We need rain for our gardens! My husband planted everything and was all coming up beautifully and then-nothing-no rain just hot sun and humidity!
    Oh well, good for me to stay in with the airco!
    I truly love that Italian book- beautiful! The roses and the vintage postcards inside-perfect! Italy is my bucket list visit, fingers crossed it is in the next couple of years!
    Your summery book is beautiful as well!
    I have a question regarding the book ends. What do you use Pamela to punch such neat holes for the ring?
    thanks for the lovely post, I always enjoy my visits

    1. Jackie -- I am Italian so of course i especially love Italy! I am going back agin next year - to Rome. I use a Crop-o-dile punch and i highly recommend it.I actually took a photo of it but forgot to incluse that in the post. It punches through heavy covers easily and through numerous thinner pages at once. I love it. Het it 40% off at Michaels or Joanns. We never get any rain in SF in summer and lately we have gotten very little in the "rainy season" and I love rain. Not to mention I love taking showers. We are back to close to drought around here. Anyway, glad you liked the post and hope this helps. Let me know if you get a crop-o-dile and how you like it.

  15. All gorgeous! Love those marbled papers. What do you use to punch the holes in thick cardboard covers?

    1. FloridaBird -- a Crop-O-Dile! Highly recommended -- works great for punching holes.

  16. One year when I was living in Brentwood, I mailed a box of summer to a friend in SF. She had lived there her whole life and felt a bit like she was missing out on something. Of course now she lives in Texas so she definitely knows what summer feels like. I was in Nevada a few weeks ago and it got up to 105 but I promise you I’d gladly take that over Florida’s summer weather!
