Thursday, July 26, 2018

Put some rings on it!

Not a lot of writing today -- just want to show you a book I made as a gift for a dear friend.
Every time I visit her studio I take a lot of photos because I love the way everything looks and this time I realized she might like to have some of the photos.

She liked it!!
And I hope you will enjoy a look too. It was a fun project to I am working on a similar book for me of my summer adventures.
Next post will be Incoming Mail.....

Everybody keeping cool? If you aren't, you can always come to San Francisco to cool off.
I see a big fog bank out my window and it is a cool and breezy 62 degrees.



  1. 62 degrees sounds heavenly, we are at 100 and neighboring cities are higher & for the week to come! I love your ring book, but then I always like whatever I see on you blog, Pamela! ;o)

    1. Jacki -- so very nice of you to say. Thank you. And, 100????? Waaay too hot......better come over.

  2. I can see why you enjoyed taking photos of your friend's studio. It is fabulous and so well organized, too. I was especially taken by the utterly gorgeous mobile, and the cat, too. So glad you shared this book with us.

    It's hot here, too. What I wouldn't give for your weather right now, instead of heat advisories.

    1. Thanks, Elizabeth- glad you liked! I always love visiting my friend and seeing her lovely work space. It is so chilly here today I need a sweater!

  3. Such an awesome studio and what a great idea to photo/doc it for your friend. Your work always inspires me.
    I grew up in San Francisco and miss it a lot. (Currently living in San Luis Obispo.) I try to get up to the city at least a couple of times a year. I am definitely a colder weather girl. Probably all those years living in the fog! Loved the sound of the fog horn. Sweet memories...

    1. Well, hello! SLO is nice too I bet. I really like cold weather too. I had fun making the book for my friend and she liked it. Thanks very much for writing a comment. It's always nice to know someone out there is actually looking at the blog!

  4. What a fun project and I'm sure your friend will appreciate it.

  5. What a genius idea and show of friendship xoxo

  6. What a delightful and thoughtful gift. No wonder she's pleased.

    1. Thank you - it was a fun project ....
      thanks for taking the time to comment.

  7. OMgoodness what a super cool gift! How very neat and thoughtful Pamela! I 'll bet she did love it- I know I would have!
    Jackie ")
    cool start here this morning 70!

    1. We generally don't even hit 70 here...... hard to feel like summer .....
      But I'm working on a summer book for myself now...
      Thanks for commenting,

  8. What a lovely gift! You are so thoughtful and creative

  9. I’ll bet your friend just loved this! Her studio looks awesome and to see it photographed so beautifully all in a cool book is a unique and creative gift!
