Monday, November 6, 2017

So, what fascinates you?

I am fascinated by old passports. The stories they could tell. I wonder about the people who held them and the places they went.....
And, some -- like this one -- are so filled with visas -- I can't bring myself to cover them up.

This guy.

Bad hair aside....he looks a bit like a hippie....but the places he  went.
I had to google S.A.R. and I'm still not sure what country this is. Anybody know? Is it South Africa?
I love those postage-like stamps they stuck on there....

The visa on the right is for India..more cool stamps and writing...

Jordan is a little off the track.....




I can't even tell with this one is....

He had an Afghanistan visa in there too...


The woman who sold me this passport (Hi Eleanor!) was joking it was a "hippie passport" but I think it was more than that, hippies didn't go to Russian and those Middle Eastern countries back in the 70's. It is a wonderful mystery to me. I would sure like to know his story......wouldn't you?

I went to multiple countries on my last trip and only got ONE crummy passport fun at all. I'm trying again again this year.....if they don't start stamping my passport I might have to bring some rubber stamps and stamp it myself!


  1. You're back already??? The ink hasn't even dried on your envelope yet! Or am I missing time again? That's what happens when I enter the creative lab. :)

    1. Non / I am still on Paris and I never want to leave........
      I bought s copy of Flow mags Big in France yesterday / only 7.50€

  2. Maybe his father was a diplomat or an executive for some corporation looking to do business in those countries? Even better, an adolescent spy prodigy? Whatever - he had a great passport and life of travel!

  3. What an interesting passport. Wow! It's very disappointing that now you don't get many passport stamps when travelling. Last time I went to Canada, I asked them to stamp, but they said I had to go up to the main building if I really wanted it stamped.

    1. I traveled through a bunch of Eastern European countries by train and there was no border check or anything....and this trip I am just back from I went to three countries - got an entry stamp in Portugal and an exit stamp from France but nothing for Spain....

  4. I was going to guess that SAR was for Saudi Arabian Republic. Syria sounds right though. Yes, I imagine his father was a diplomat and he tagged along on a lot of trips. This is definitely the coolest passport yet with the different and huge stamps/visas. Great find! PEACE out!

    1. Hi Garci -- I know -- I love all the stamps and more paper treasure that is on the way out....but I do have have a cool Russian visa in mine and a Turkish visa.....I'd like to hear the his stories....

  5. I saw both Syria and Hong Kong S.A.R., but they didn't tell what the initials stood for. So glad you may have found where this young man went. It definitely looked like a middle east place due to the language at the top. It's a wonderful passport and this must have been a wonderful find. Would be nice to do an internet search and find him, since you know his name.

    I want a FLOW, too! Do they ever send free ones to people (grin).

    1. I bought a Flow in Paris -- French. Much cheaper than here in the USA -- but I can't actually read

  6. Totally cool!! Would absolutely LOVE to know his story!
    I just love that passport- lucky you!
    And may I ask, what is a Flow?
    Jackie ")

    1. We agree on that. Flow is a magazine (in English) from The Netherlands that a lot of people really like. It is very expensive here (I know Barnes & Noble usually has it) but I picked one up in Paris cheap -- in French.

    2. Thanks for letting me know- I actually think my friend buys that once in awhile to make collage art from ,now that you say that!

  7. As someone who can read in Arabic, SAR is definitely Syria. The other one is too faded for me to be able to read the country's name ��

  8. What an exciting find and a treasure to own. Thanks for sharing pics!
