Friday, October 27, 2017

Flying High

Recently I scored some vintage passports and some of you said you'd like to see them. I got two belonging to Anne Marie...
Now what do you think her job was? Any guesses?

We call them flight attendants now....

Anne Marie sure got around a lot.....just look at those stamps. I traveled through four countries and my last trip, four borders and I got ONE miserable passport stamp.....
Now that Europe has go to the EU (mostly) no one seems to care when you cross a border and that's just no fun. But, I digress.

Look at the cool Chinese characters on that visa and stamps.

And check out this one -- Afghanistan! She really got around.

Is it me, or is it a little heart-breaking she had a heart and a four leaf clover glued into her passport?

Her other passport had a know, now we are not allowed to glue random things in our passports...and you know I'd like to.

We are also not supposed to write our social security numbers on things like this..times were a lot different back then (and it was all that long ago).

Apparently Anne Marie studied French in Paris. I really think we would get along. I love the outfits. I had white go go boots so I really shouldn't talk...

I found this guy's passport too....he looks like a player, don't you think? I wonder if he ever met Anne Marie?

So, my passport and I are on the road -- or, maybe I should say, in the air.
I'll keep you posted on Instagram (PamelaArtsinSF) and on the blog's FB page. Or, maybe by sending out a postcard or two.

I sure hope I come home to a BIG pile of mail. Not that that's a hint or anything.


  1. I guessed before I even scrolled down to see that Anne Marie was a "stewardess." She even looked the part from her passport photo. Looks like she was well traveled.

    I can remember when I had my SS number printed on my checks. I got tired of having to tell people the number every time I wrote a check. Now I wouldn't give my SS # out to anyone except the IRS! Times and tides indeed!

    Have a safe flight. I can't keep up with you because I'm only on Blogger. But I look forward to your return and maybe others who are on other social media sites will tell me what you have been up to abroad.

    1. She was well traveled! And lucky to get all those stamps / I've been to three countries and only got one passport stamp.....
      I am having way too much fun and never want to leave Paris......
      Taking way too many photos and my suitcase is bulging.....

  2. Wonderful. Have you ever thought of trying to find out what became of Anne Marie? Safe travels...

    1. I think I will try to Google her when j get back to the USA. Good idea. I am guessing she has passed away since her passport was fir sale....

  3. I did guess Anne Marie was a stewardess! My dad worked for Continental Airlines and they called them "Stews" back in the 1970's.
    I LLLLLOOOOOVVVVEEEE the photos of the passports! You really scored with Anne Marie's.
    Loved the Portugal photos and stories and now it's a Spanish tour. Keep 'em coming.

    1. Garci - glad you are enjoying the Instagram and Facebook photos.....I'd like a job as a travel blogger! I found sone Portuguese passports st the flea market.....

  4. I hope Anne Marie's life was as interesting and exciting as her passport indicates. What fun to have these old passports and to make up stories. I'm enjoying your posts about your current trip. Have a safe journey home.

    1. Glad you are enjoying the photos in IG and FB.... I can't help myself..... I love taking photos....

  5. Wow! Those are some great passports! I didn't think about how fun it would be to come home from a long trip to a big pile of mail. Guess I know what I'll be working on later ;)

    1. I sure hope I come home to a pike of mail.... because I am going to be very cranky to leave here and that would cheer me up a little.....
