Tuesday, July 11, 2017

PDX Altered Book

This post has A LOT of photos so grab an adult beverage, or any kind of beverage you want (Smith Tea in PDX is suggested as well) and settle down for a look at the finally complete Portland altered book.
Maybe I should have broken this up into two posts because there are a lot of photos but....I didn't.... and I am not showing all the pages in the book (nor are they in order)..

I took photos in PDX (of course!) and I'm not one to just leave photos on my  phone. And I picked up lots of paper ephemera while there thinking I'd use it in my altered book....The vellum above is from some large sheets I bought at ScrapPDX -- and it is maps of Portland. Love the pages I made with that...
I cut up various file folders from ScrapSF to make pages like the pink one. I love TABS, either on the side of the book or up top.

I like my altered books FAT and this one almost doesn't close. I will either punch a hole and add sari ribbon to close it or use a wide, arty rubber band I got at Daiso.

Background on this is a paper bag....

I just folded the Kachka menu in half and added it in....(highly recommended  if you visit PDX).

Happily I didn't need any Pickle Juice, either at Kachka or on my trip to Russia.

I also added some Portland travel ads from 1950's National Geographics. Gee, if I took that Domeliner from PDX back home to SF I could have bought more stuff.

Hotel deLuxe

I love room service!

I made several pages with little pockets......I love tucking things inside...
Another pocket with an Oregon postcard tucked inside....

Here I added a vellum envelope with some mail art from my PDX pal Karen...

Miss Polly!

Night out after the PDXCC meeting....

Another night out and another place I recommend...

PDXCC Mail Art Meeting
I added quite a bit of mail art inside the book from the Portland folks....


Fabulous visit and it's nice to have this little book to pick up and look at and remember all the fun I had with the lovely people in PDX.
So, pick up an old book and tear off the covers. Punch holes -- add rings and you are good to go.
It is fun to figure out all the different things you can use to make pages-- maps, bags, file folders, vellum....You can make a book from a weekend away or a longer trip....it is fun.

Are you going to do it?
Sorry this was so long but I wanted to show you some pages.....Is that drink gone yet?

The better get busy making...



  1. This is an amazing altered book. I truly love what you made and how you made it. SO different from my altered books, but this is so much more. It's a travel journal with a destination and a purpose. I'm super impressed and really love all the pages, the pockets, the art, and the photos that told the story of how much fun you had while you were in Portland. Oh and I forgot the FOOD, too (YUM!).

    1. Thank you so much, Elizabeth. Oh yes -- the food -- it was amazing. I make other styles of travel journals too -- you'll see in the fall when I make another trip. I like the easy way of punching holes in using rings sometimes. i like to move and add pages. Thanks for the comment.

  2. In one word... Amazing! I am making Christmas cards already. I have met (again with) so many nice people at the latest Postcrossing meetings, if I don't start my Xmas cards now, I can't send everybody a homemade one. So no altered books for me. ^^

    1. Thank you, TomoyoHime, You are very dedicated to start making holiday cards so early. Good luck.

  3. great journal. loved studying it.

  4. Pamela, this was pure awesomeness. What a treat to have made such a wonderful book. The vellum pages and the fold up pockets are only two of the stars...all good. You could always add a bit of journaling (although it may be in the pockets). You'll be receiving a missive from me soon!

  5. Thanks for sharing pics! I make books for each trip too. Such a great way to document and remember. Also fun collecting things along the way to use in the book.

    1. I'd like to see your books! And, yes -- it is so fun to pick up ephemera along the way...agreed.

  6. So great that you print your photos! I need to work on that myself. Enjoyed the bits from the Russian restaurant.

    1. Cindy -- I don't print them all -- I have over 6000 of them on my phone -- but I alawys print photos from my various trips and make albums. Such great memories. You would have loved that Russian restaurant.
