Sunday, July 2, 2017

Long Weekend -- Why Not Come On Over?

It's a long holiday weekend for a lot of people here in the USA -- I cleaned up the studio and I'm inviting you to come on over for a visit.
It's nice and cool here in San Francisco and the sun is shining.

See? Cleaned up? (well, for the most part....)

You are welcome to look around all you want -- go ahead and open the cupboards....

There's art on the walls...

And lots of things on the bookshelves that aren't books....and there are loads of books too.
We can cut and paste.

And, if there is a container, you can bet it's filled with stamps or some other treasure...

What's inside these cigar boxes? I guess you will just have to come over to see for yourself.

I love to have an afternoon with friends playing at the art table. With enough warning I can actually clear it off so there is room to work.
Here's a little ATC and tag session that just happened...

And, my Portland Altered book is 99% finished! You can look at it if you feel like it...

Rolodex and ICad 2107 cards

Maybe you'll leave with a small gift bag?

I wish you could all come over and hang out with me. I've got snacks. And drinks. And lots and lots of things to look at.
I post on the Cappuccino And Art Journal page on Facebook and on Instagram (PamelaArtsinSF) and here and I try to post all different things to keep it interesting. But it can be a little tricky to keep track of everything so just come over and we'll talk.

Here's a question for you -- are there any mail artists in the Washington DC area who would be interested in a mail art group like the ones we have in Portland and San Francisco? I am trying to help an artist friend set something up. Let me know if you're interested and in that area.

OK, fire up the grill, chill the drinks and start cutting and pasting.
Happy Independence day to the USA.



  1. I'm actually not so far away -Stockton - and so wish I could take you up on this lovely invitation. Your play space is so inviting and full of curiosities. I could be entranced for hours, no, days!

    1. Hummmm....Stockton is about two hours from SF, right? There are certainly lots of things to look at......maybe too many...Thanks for the comment, Annie.

  2. So wish I was nearer right now...

  3. I'm a mere 1800 miles away, so I might pop over (I WISH). I'd give anything to look through your passports, your stamps, your rubber stamps, and your dictionaries of all languages. What fun we would have, sharing memories of mixed media and fun art.

    Have a fantastic rest of the holiday. Glad you have time away, and thrilled to know it's cooler there than it is here. I hate HEAT!

    1. I've sure got lots of foreign language dictionaries and rubber stamps for you to play with! Start driving....Bluebeard rides shotgun...

  4. Yummy & wonderful, as always! ;o)

  5. Wow, your studio looks like the stuff dreams are made of!

    1. Cindy -- it would be wonderful to see you here. GinaVisione gave me some beautiful papers she got from her visit with you.

  6. You give me hope Pamela! I would love to have a stuff packed place like yours :) AND it would be amazing to come and visit you. So many ideas going through your pics...and a gift bag, what a treat! Oh, and I certainly don't mind if you "repeat" pictures elsewhere - more places for me to admire lol

    1. I am glad you don't mind repeat photos, Jewels because I know I sometimes do. But only my favorites.....I am lucky that some wonderful friends give me things for my various collections.

  7. You always keep it interesting! Thanks for the peek and for dusting it off for us. Let's see more of your Portland altered looks swell!

    1. Thanks, Linda -- and I will do a post showing the PDX book. Coming up soon.

  8. I'm fascinated by how you store all of your supplies, and would love to know how you pull supplies when you start to create a project. Do you only pull supplies with an idea already in mind, or do you pull random supplies and see what develops as the items are laid out? If you covered this topic already, I'll go through your archives. Happy 4th to you!

    1. Annette -- that is a good question. Storage is a problem -- there is never enough room. When I think up a project, like the PDX altered book or the Altered Passports, i usually pull everything I can think of that I have and have it out all over my art table.....then, when the mess is too much or I am working on another project I take a box or large envelope and put everything for that particular project in one place so I can pull it all out as needed.....I also have lots of ephemera, stamps, etc on my table and I find one thing leads to another and I make random connections of things. When it all gets to be too much I clean everything up -- but then immediately things get messy again as i work......And Happy 4th to you too!

  9. Wouldn't that be so much fun! For now, I will content myself looking at your great photos, revisiting some of your past blogs, and working on my own Rolodex cards for ICAD (pretending we are sitting together and discussing what to create next). Happy 4th!

    1. Yes, that would really be fun and i bet you do come to SF sometime -- we could meet GinaVisione for lunch and make things. Thank you for the nice comment. (And, I owe you some good mail).

  10. Hello
    Happy Fourth of July to you������!
    Your studio looks like a wonderful place to spend an much to look at and touch!
    I just recently moved to Lagunitas, & my son will be attending SFSU in i would love to come by some time and make an altered book!!...Not many understand my addiction to paper(junk to many!), ephemera and the way it all feels pasted up in an old book!!...Thank You for what you do!

    1. Hi Janice -- you would find a lot of company in SF -- we have lots of paper lovers. Hummmm how far away is Lagunitas? Not that far, right?
      And you are most welcome -- I love doing what I do.

  11. Depending on location, I possibly would be interested in a mail art group since I live within a couple hour's drive from Washington, D.C. Please include me in the final details. And thanks for the photos of your studio...fantastic!

    1. Hi Linda !! Glad to hear you're interested. Can you send me your email address? Just leave a comment and I will NOT publish it or message me through the Blogger Contact Form. I'll keep you posted!

  12. oh, how i wish i were closer! the fun we could scare up. you know are everpresent here in spirit in my study. mail afoot today for you! and both pdx + pdxcc awaits yr return! xo

    1. I can't wait to go back and visit PDX!! So many wonderful things to do and such delightful mail artists!!
