Monday, April 3, 2017

Still Working?

I'm still working on the Altered Rolodex Card a Day project.....whew....not easy to think up something every day but so far so good...
wanna see a few?

March 2017 -- finished!

I try to use whatever is sitting around on my work table.....that's my excuse for how messy it is....but it works for me.

February 2017
Here are a few from February....

February 2017

March 2017

I saved my favorite (so far) for the end -- just look at those tiny little envelopes!
So cute.
My pal (you know it) Monica let me use her die cut machine to make them and I knew they would be perfect to stick on a rolodex card.
Don't you agree?
So, now on to April........

A Rolodex Card a Day Project
I think I will need at least two Rolodex files to hold them since they are quite bulky after I get finished with them.
Anybody out there making rolo cards too?

Still sending out a lot of mail too.....


  1. Other than a few postage stamps, I keep wondering where you find all those fabulous images you use in your Rolodex cards. I am in awe of each and every one of these. They are all so very different, too. Looks like you've had your typewriter out and using it, as well.

    There isn't a dud in the bunch. Each is truly an impressive work of fine art.

    1. Elizabeth -- you wouldn't believe all the ephemera I have sitting around.....I try to USE it so it won't bury

  2. I think they are really wonderful, inspiring & yummy! I love it when you can tell the artist had fun in the making.

    1. Thank you Jacki -- it is fun to do--I better get going and make one for today....

  3. Looks great! Hope you're able to keep it going for the whole year!

  4. I am so impressed by your commitment to the Rolodex project! You have created so many great cards. I find I do them sporadically. Maybe I will use the Rolodex cards instead of index cards for ICAD - sort of a 2 for one! Thanks for the continued inspiration!

    1. cjsrq -- that's a good idea (to use rolo cards for ICAD).....kinda killing two birds with one stone....

  5. Your creativity and talent is amazing. I think the word amazing is over used sometimes, but in this case it really fits!! I love when you have new posts. :-)

    1. Michele -- that is just so nice of you to say -- I really appreciate it.I am happy you are enjoying the posts.....

  6. Fabulous rolos! I haven't had time to make any more since my first one last month, but I received one from a mail art pal in Roseville so I suppose I better get crackin'!

    1. Miss Iowa -- yes -- better get going, my friend -- and once you start you may not be able to stop!

  7. I admire your discipline, creating one card every day. You can be proud! Your cards are beautiful and I enjoyed checking them out, Pamela.
    xo Julia

    1. Thank you, Julia -- I have a long way to go till the end of the year but I am going to try. i love how they all look in the file.

  8. These are great! Lucky you to have the time and urge to keep up with it. Looking thru a rolodex full of altered cards would take me all day, so much to see.

    1. I wish someone would come and look at them in the file -- because sometimes I do wonder why I am doing this.....

  9. Quite fun. Can't imagine you being at a loss for creative making...

  10. I wish I could write a comment under each picture!! So much cool stuff to see and comment on :-) I love, love, LOVE your rolodex project! It's so awesome. I love the size of the cards and how doable it is to make art in those bite-sized pieces. On my trip to SLC I got a bunch of tiny photos. I'm going to make a few cards for your rolodex. That should be fun :-)

    1. I wish you could write a comment under each photo too! So glad you like the rolo project. Are you going to start one? Maybe next year? I look forward to getting some cards from you with the tiny photos on them. I LOVE tiny photos.......
