Sunday, September 20, 2015

Too Much of a Good Thing?

This has been a good week for paper -- a wonderful ephemera sale in San Rafael...and five days of the Library Big Book Sale. (No, I didn't go all five days but I did go twice!).

I bought two old ledgers...

The more I look at my own photos, the more I wish I bought more of this fabulous paper.....

I feel happy just being around paper ephemera like this....thank God others love it and preserve it too. With everything on hard drives and in clouds now I wonder if future generations/artists will have any luck finding beautiful paper ephemera for art-making.

If this wasn't enough excitement for one week, then there was the San Francisco Library Big Book sale...
I always go to the members preview and then back on the last day (today!) for  Dollar Day.

Today you just couldn't get me out of this section -- Foreign Language Non Asian. (I went to the Asian language section too).
Nature and Birds and Garden sections were pretty picked over today but this table still held fabulous finds.

I mean -- just look at this cover! Doesn't it make you wish you could read Russian?

1927. Amazing vintage ads and recipes inside -- of course, all in a language I don't know. In fact, I can't actually tell what language it is but I love it. $1.
(anybody know the language?)

Another fabulous Russian cover!

This one is Hebrew and lovely, aged, foxed pages....

I loved seeing the various book plates inside many of the books too. I figure I should just go and photograph one day......nah.....

This one is Russian/German! A useful combination to someone I'm sure.....

The Reference section is always fun too. Even on the first day of the sale, the dictionaries are only $1. They seem to think no one wants dictionaries and outdated atlases but I know for a fact a lot of us DO want them.

Ok, I am wiped out. 93 degrees again. If you don't think Global Warming is real, think again.
A lovely sushi lunch and a chance to think about all those books and all that wonderful paper.
And, to think about what I'm going to do with all I've got.
25 Dollar books today -- I cannot resist.
But I have lots of ideas for them. I will show you what I bought and a terrific new collage book (that suggests tearing up old books) next post. I can't bring myself to tear them ALL up but I will certainly use at least half in collage making and altered books.
I think I have enough material to eep me going till the next book/ephemera sale, don't you?
What would you do with them?
Too much of a good thing??? No, I don't think so. But I hope to stay in most of next week and make things.

Repurpose/Recycle/Make Stuff


  1. Wow, amazing stuff. Where DO you put all your precious finds???

    1. In piles on the floor of her studio! (See her post from a few days ago)

    2. Ha ha ha -- Leslie -- exactly right! And now the pile of books is getting taller and taller.......I also have a box where I put all the torn up covers, spines, etc
      I am most definitely runnnig out of room.

    3. Do you still have the shopping cart?

    4. Cindy - no, I gave it up..... It was making my husband crazy and taking up too much room.....

  2. thank you for promotion of russian books ))

  3. Hi from Finland! Great photos again, so much to look at. The Escoffiers stora kokbok is Swedish.

    1. MissMailArt! Great name. Thanks so much for telling me what language that book is written in. And so exciting to know someone is reading my blog in Finland. Thanks so much for commenting.

  4. The German/Russian combo is really interesting! It looks like it's written to help a native Russian speaker learn German...

    You always find and share (and make) such fascinating stuff! Thanks!

    1. Really? Cool! There were lots of Russian books this time and I thought of you, Cindy. If I tear them up I can send you some pages.

  5. I love old dictionaries and atlases! They are perfect for all kinds of backgrounds, plus I love the smell of the old paper so much.
    I just started to learn Chinese calligraphy, I can't wait to use it on my mail (but I have to improve a lot first, haha).

    1. Old dictionaries and atlases? bring 'em on! I love them too. Chinese calligraphy? Now that is very cool. Good luck with it -- practice a lot!

  6. That ephemera sale would have wiped out my art budget for the next 6 months. So much good stuff.
    As I was looking at the pictures, the same thought occurred to me - what will mixed media artists 100 years from now use now that all that wonderful old ledger data is typed, not written? Sad thought, actually.
    I really need to come over for the next book sale.

    1. Leslie--If you come for Dollar Day you better drive -- how else can you get 25 books home? LOL. I actually restrained myself during that ephemera sale -- and now I wish I bought more!

  7. Pamela, You documented the week well and luckily I was along for the ride on these paper adventures! I was 21 at the dollar sale but more on the members preview sale. I agree that Non Asian Language table was a Sunday score! I definitely have my favorite tables and you know which ones they are! I wonder how we can find out about other Library sales? We know they are out there…hmm.

    1. Monica -- yes indeed you were along for the ride and yes we do need to find out about other library sales and hit the road......but i wonder if they could be as good as our very own SFPL sale??? And it was so very nice of you to share on Sunday -- thanks for the typewriter book.

  8. These photos make my little head spin! Such lovely papers. Thanks for sharing!!!

    1. Carter -- my head was spinning being there! I don't know how she could sell all that beautiful stuff and let it go......I doubt I could do it...
