Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Making (Things and a Special Request)

Any parents out there who remember reading that book IF You Give A Moose A Muffin? (Or maybe it was a mouse?)
Well....I kinda feel like that moose (or mouse)....I had a book of old photos, some vintage sheet music I found for free and some brown Kraft card stock all sitting on my work table....

(A friend gave me the photo album)

And all of a sudden I was tearing and pasting and painting and collaging to my heart's content.
I should have been doing a long list of other things but there you go.
I have been having a lot of stress in my life lately and tearing and pasting always helps.

Some inked out the face in this photo and wrote "too fat" on it....hummmm

I could tell this was the same MOM holding the tiny baby in that photo on the left and then later with her daughter much more grown up -- it's all in the hair-do!
Don't you wonder what happened to them?


I had to dab in some color on some because the photos were so faded you couldn't see what was there. I knew she was holding a baby!

So, now I have a sweet little stack of collaged photo cards to send out....using stress wisely!

You like collage? You've got to get this book. Trust me....No, this is not a money-making blog (God knows) and no, Amazon doesn't pay me....but I am loving this book.

Here you go -- maybe your library has it? Melinda Tidwell (an artist I love) is  in here.
And the woman who wrote the book loves using old, discarded books in her collages.Oh yes--Ido too.

Here's a photo that's not getting torn up on my watch! This little cutie is......

....turning 101 years old in October! Can you imagine? He is JB, my lovely father-in-law and Pasadena's oldest fire fighter (retired, of course). I have started a 101 Card Campaign for his birthday month of October andI've been asking all my mail art friends to send him a card -- any time in October.
It can be plain or fancy. Bought or handmade. I'm hoping to give him 101 birthday wishes and cheer up his mailbox all monthlong.
Here's a chance to make a very old guy happy.

Here's mine.
He's getting homemade cookies too. (Good thing he doesn't read the blog).

1575 E. Washington - APT 530
Pasadena, CA 91104

Are you in? Please let me know if you are. I'm trying to keep tabs on how close we are to 101 cards.
Lots of lovely folks on the blog's FaceBook page have already said yes so we are well on the way.

So, back to tearing.....I guess it is better than doing some other things to relieve stress....and at least I have something to show for it.

SEND AN OLD GUY A CARD -- 101 Card Campaign needs you!


  1. I will happily send your father-in-law a card! Also, all your collaged photo cards are fantastic!

    1. cjsrq -- thanks so much for sending a card -- and also I am glad you like my collaged cards. I think they look better in person....fun to combine vintage photos, paint, papers, etc Thanks for commenting!

  2. I will be happy to send out a card... will post it in the next couple of days... great idea!

  3. Count me in...would love to send birthday wishes to your amazing father-in-law.

  4. Love what you're doing there. I also love Crystal's work, glad to see she has a book out! xo
    p.s. my card to your FIL going in Thursday's mail!

    1. Connie Rose -- thank you -- I'll send you one of the cards. That book is great...I am loving it.

  5. I am IN! I love to send birthday cards!

    1. Yay! thank you Pamela K! So nice of you -- and you don't get to send birthday wishes to a 101 year old every day!

  6. I'm in, congrats to him. My FIL is 98 and will be 99 in February. Amazing really. Still with it too and has a new girlfriend. xox

  7. Thanks Corrine -- mine is still with it too and some woman asked him to move in with him! lol

  8. Thanks Pamela for recommending the book. I bought it and am enjoying inspiration from it. I too like Melinda Tidwell's work that is featured in the book as well as other artists. Yes, a card is in process for your dear father in law. He has a super special daughter in law!

    1. Glad you liked the book, Monica -- I do too! Thanks so much for sending my FIL a card -- I will tell him he better appreciate me! (HE does). And I just looked at your two --cunt 'em - two new blog posts and they are fabulous. I Google+ ed them and put them in Pinterest and commented.....just trying to help out a pal....

  9. Count me in for the 101 Card project, Pamela!

  10. Add me to the list! :) This is my third try. Hope it publishes.

    1. Ha ha Limner - I do't know what happened to the first comment but I did get two -- thanks you so much for trying. And thanks for sending my FIL a card!

  11. How interesting. I cannot publish my own comments in Blogger if I use Safari. It's smooth sailing with Google's Chrome.

  12. It's on my To Do List for this weekend. It would be a pleasure to send him a card!

    1. Lee -- so nice of you -- thanks very much. I am going to take a photo of him with all his cards when I visit.

  13. I'd love to send a birthday card! Count me in....what a wonderful idea!

    1. Peggy Lynn -- yay -- another card for the old guy! He will really be surprised...I cannot tell if we are up to 101 cards but he is definitely getting A LOT of them. Thanks so much.

  14. What a treasure to have all of those old snapshots and sheet music to work with, and you made such excellent cards! I will send a card to your FIL. My mom made it to 101. That's quite amazing for a person to reach that milestone. Best to you.

    1. Thank you, mim! JB will be happy to get another birthday card. And thanks for the nice comment on my cards too. My friend gave me the photos -- I cannot bring myself to cut my own family photos in collage but it's coming.......

  15. My contribution goes out tomorrow! I hope you counted me in. :)

  16. What a great idea, Pamela! Birthday mail is on its way from Finland, too. :)

    1. Oh -- big thank you -- MissMailArt. Finland! He will be surprised......

  17. So glad I stumbled on your post today. I have a card ready to go in the mail today. It's only from NYC though! My dad was 90 in August and I also asked for cards. I hoped for 90 and he received 155! He had a great month of trips to the mailbox!

    1. Cheryl -- thank you! NY is great -- I can't wait to see his cards and also see how many he gets. I will take some photos of the cards. Very nice of you to send one and happy belated birthday to your 90 year old dad!
