Friday, August 14, 2015

Pretty Pictures

Yes, it was that time of the year again -- Vintage Paper Fair time -- and you lovely blog readers know I am crazy about the VPF!
So, I am taking you all along with me and showing you some of the delicious eye candy I saw there.

My first stop is always the .25 cent postcards. I'm in postcard heaven there. They aren't for serious collectors (not the .25-cent cards) but they are for postcard lovers -- and there are a whole lot of us at the fair...but there are enough cards for all.

I strolled around to see what I could see and spotted this fabulous book of Victorian paper ephemera...the dealer told me it was well over one hundred years old. He was trying to sell it intact and not by the page, which I commend. What a shame to tear it up.

What I wouldn't have given for it....look at this page! But alas it wasn't to be....the price? $350.00.
But we can look!

(this one is for Dori!)

How fun is this page? I didn't buy the book but we all get to look at the pages. I should have taken a video (but I was afraid  I'd get in trouble).....

Don't you just wonder who made this? A girl? or a woman? Sitting with paper and scissors and glue -- just like we do...

I also coveted these cut-outs of the great state of California and San Francisco neighborhoods....$12.00 each but I still passed....I am the 25-cent shopper...

The BodyScope
I don't know what it is but I want it.....(nope, didn't get it)....

These pages were reasonable....$2/page.....

What did I buy? I collect beautiful old vintage flower postcards and found all these for a quarter each...I was happy..

I love how this advertising card for thread is in the shape of a spool of thread...

Fifty Cents for each of these...pretty affordable I'd say....

I never knew people did banking by mail like this -- on postcards! Hum......seems like we like to keep our banking more private these days....

I always like to check out the cursive writing and cancellations on the cards too.

My favoriate finds at the fair were a couple of Japanese passports -- and one was absolutely covered in immigration stamps. SWOON.
I am sure going to have fun altering these.

Sometime you guys have got to come to SF for the Vintage Paper Fair -- it happens every January and August. And just think -- we don't have any snow in January and August is cool as a cucumber. And I know all the good places to eat nearby too. So, what are you waiting for?

Here -- I'm saving you a seat!

Hope you enjoyed the visit. Now, remember --


  1. Too much fun. You have much more control though I have though. I'm not sure I could have resisted those California-shaped maps. So what fun will SF offer for December? It looks like I might be back Dec 14-18th-ish. Yay!

    1. Adrienne -- I just put the cash in my pocket and when it runs out I am done! But for .25-cents each you can have a whole lot of fun with postcards......December? Hummm......I don't know what will be happening but something fun to do I'm sure! I will look forward to seeing you.....

  2. Oh-my-stars-and-stripes! Beam me over, Scottie! :) I missed shopping at the Paper Emporium by 7 minutes this afternoon! They locked the doors at 6 PM. On a Friday! Girl, you live in a marvelous paper place. :D

    1. Limner, i love how you slipped that "girl" in there just after you were talking about it on your blog. Wish you were sitting in that chair flipping through postcards!

  3. I am SO glad I didn't go with you - I'd have bought a load of stuff I have no room for neither will I be using any more! But the lure is too great - I'd buy it just because!

    1. It really is fun just to BE there, Lynne. I love be in surrounded by all that paper ephemera. And sometimes I am happy just taking pictures of it and not bringing it home...

  4. Every time I see this on your blog, I wish I could visit the fair. Guess I'll have to wait till my budget allows a trip to the west coast.

  5. Love it and thank you for taking us along to drool over all this wonderful stuff!

    1. Glad you enjoyed the visit, Nina! Too bad the Paper Fair, Library Book sale and Ex Postal Facto can't all be in the same week -- just think what a trip that would be!

  6. The postcards with personal finances are fascinating.

  7. So much out there. Think of all the attics and sewing baskets and boxes it's been in. Quite an amazing history when you you think about it. Xox

    1. Corrine, i know....a whole lot of history...and I guess we'll never know the story...fascinating...

  8. THIS blog is as cool as cucumber!! :-)) Millions of treasures. My favourite one is the advertising card in the shape of a spool. I would have grabbed that one in less than a millisecond. Thank you for all the pictures, Pamela. Enjoy looking at (and chopping up?) all your new-old goodies!

    1. Ha! Well, thank you, Marie W....I liked that same one...yes, now I have to actually do something with my treasures. I do tend to just collect the postcards....

  9. My little heart raced, when I saw the squirrel.......happy that you thought of me..xo

    1. Dori -- I wish I could have bought it for you, but the squirrel was in that $350.00 book.....but a photo is fun....xo

  10. oh my! Japanese passports ... excited to see how you alter these lovelies. remember to give us a peek. we so love the peeks into the fun you get up to! thanks YOU!

    1. Thanks, miss polly, yes I have been looking for passports....they are so hard to find so I was really happy...I will show them when I get some work done on glad to hear you enjoy the peeks...

  11. Congrats on the passports, I know you've been looking for them. And banking by postcard is crazy to think about. I'll check the january date. It's slow enuf at work that I can take the day off.

    1. Leslie--thanks! I know -- banking by postcard? HA! I snapped a bunch of them up and now I have to try to think of something cool to actually do with them....

  12. If [when] I come back to SF, I WILL time it to correspond with the Vintage Paper Fair, or Library book sale. One of those fun activities that I'm always jealous of your attendance to. But, thank you for letting us oogle the event through your photos. Makes me feel a teeny bit better. And I may just make you take me to SCRAP, too. ;)

    1. B. Lee -- you should write WHEN (not if) for sure. I'll take you to Scrap. Too bad the library book sale and VPF aren't the same week. But, trust me, there are always places to go and things to do in SF. Come back & visit!
