Wednesday, August 19, 2015

More Coin Envelope Booklets

Making these coin booklets is addictive. I can't stop.
And now I've run out of the
coin envelopes.

I have started three more using similar envelopes that are
a lot bigger -- with a book/library theme...

Do you like these?


  1. I do! I do! I do! I know what I'd put in them if I knew how to make them too. I have a box of such envelopes from a family reunion raffle that would be great for such a project. I just have to find them. :) And learn how to make them. Or not? Where do you get such great ideas?

    1. Limner...girl....I posted the link for the tutorial on making them two posts ago...
      if you go back and look you can click the link and you'll be addicted to making these booklets in no time!

  2. They are great! Love the stamping.

  3. Pamela, These are amazing! Keep going and don't stop. I love them. I have a box of coin envelopes and once I unearth them I can help replenish your stock. I also have some other small envelopes that open at the top on the horizontal party that can be a challenge for you. And of course you can use my envelope die whenever we meet in my studio again. I LOVE my photo/darkroom/camera coin envelope book you mailed me!

    1. Monica -- so happy you like them. I am working on one now using library pockets and YOUR library date pages and bookmarks from SFPL etc Very fun to do. And yes -- I will be happy to take some envelopes from you -- I need more asap! Thanks for commenting....

  4. These are fabulous!!! I like that you're working in themes.... it seems to make a bigger impact.

    1. Thank you, Emie58. I always seem to enjoy working in themes in everything I make....I finished the postal theme for now and moved on to library/book theme...

  5. I love them! I have made a few with larger envelopes, came across a box of gorgeous dark red tiny (but bigger than these) and made a couple of books with ATCs in the pockets.

    1. Linda--OooOoo I do love red. Bet those are very nice. I made some for ATC's too -- good idea.Presentation is so important, don't you think? Thanks for the comment.

  6. Yes, Ms PG, methinks you will need to order another box! Keep going. They are lovely and each is unique.

    1. sallyw3000 -- thank you pal! They are 500 to a box at office depot and $25 -- I am not so sure I want 500 of the same size......I made that one with the stamped numbers for Jeff W (hope he doesn't see this) because his book to you was the inspiration.....I will put you on the list to get one.....xo

  7. I hope the coin envelope book I sent you has made it to you by now. Although I felt a bit like I was carrying coals to Newcastle, I wanted to send you some happy mail and show how you have inspired me. I'm going to look for some more of those envelopes at thrift stores - maybe I'll get lucky. They are great fun!

    1. Christie - yes! I got your fabulous coin booklet and I love it! Thank you so much. Some good mail will be heading your way very soon. I loved the stamping you did.

  8. Like! Like! Wonderful colours!!!

  9. So glad you do....and thanks for your comment, Linda...

  10. Yes, these are very cute. Even better in person lol. Will stop at Staples and buy a box of these as they are the perfect venue for all those rubber stamps I couldn't live without but hardly use.

    1. Go for it -- they are easy an fun to a make! I am loving that booklet you made me and especially love the pix of the little childhood YOU. I could only find coin envelopes 500 for $25. Let me know if Staples is better. i don't really want 500.But I would probably use them up.....
