Friday, July 3, 2015

Red, White and not so Blue

I am thinking
red, white and blue this weekend.

Of course, I always like airmail stripes and envelopes.

Here is the USA many postal related things
(stamps, airmail envelopes, stickers)
are red, white & blue.

Old Glory appears on lots of stamps. I made a bunch of stamp cards with these but didn't get around to mailing them out. There's always next year....

Give a listen to Van Morrison singing "(It's Almost) Independence Day". He wrote the song while living here in the Bay Area (San Anselmo) and he wrote about some local places. 
I love that song.

Some old air mail letters in my collection.


These little beauties were made by Donovan Beeson

Donovan's Etsy Shop

Check out her shop. I don't think these stickers are still available but she makes
all kinds of wonderful postal things.

Vintage labels and stickers from back in the day.

OK, this is French -- but it is red, white and blue. The Tri-Color shares it's colors with
our flag. The French also share a July Independence Day
and everybody knows I am a francophile so there you go.

If you're flying or driving or walking or biking, be safe and have a great
4th of July Weekend.
Have some fun.

This is a re-post from another 4th of July. (2011) Just came across it and loved the red, white & blue so much I thought I would re-post for the holiday weekend.
We are looking forward to our usual chilly, foggy Independence Day tomorrow here in San Francisco. We don't get heat and humidity and BBQ.
I am tossing a brisket in the slow cooker with BBQ sauce and hot links and taking a long walk from house down Market Street to the Ferry Building.
Maybe lunch and a swing through Chinatown.
Independence Day SF style.
And what are you all doing?
Whatever it is -- have a wonderful day!

Write a letter.

Get a letter.



  1. Awesome stuff!! I am jealous of the labels! I was thinking of doing a flag stamp post tomorrow. We shall see.=) Have a great holiday!

  2. I hope you have a happy 4th. We had a great [parade, but it looks like it will be pouring rain so unless it dries up soon no fireworks...sigh! I bet fireworks in SF are fantastic!

  3. Quite the collection you have Pamela, these are terrific. Those labels by Donovan Beeson are fantastic. Happy 4th. xox Corrine

  4. @elle.mental--ha! Usually in SF we can't even see the fireworks because of the fog. But today is sunny and I think it will be a banner year for them.
    Happy 4th to all.

  5. i love all the red white and blue postage...that reminds me i am running low on postage and need more!

    by the way pamela, are you going to the letter writing party at rare device & also to renegade craft fair? i hope to see you there!

  6. Thank you for the wonderful letter and I love the stickers!

    1. Annejo -- if you see this I hope you will write and tell me how you are! It has been so long long since I heard from you. I wonder if you got my last letter? I hope you are well.

  7. Your blog is super inspiring but dangerous. My Etsy trigger finger always gets itchy after seeing cool air mail labels.

  8. Finally sent you mail! The mail clerk handed it back to me at the post office. Seems in all my excitement I forgot to add my return address *oops*'s headed that way. Hope you get lots of good mail on Monday :)

    1. Cindy -- I got it yesterday! The USPS delivers! Thanks for the cool envelope and fun vintage SF cards. I hope I get lots of good mail on Monday too. Of course, I hope I get lots of good mail every day.....happy 4th!

  9. What a great postal way to celebrate the holiday. They're better than fireworks! 'Cause they last. :)

    Happy Independence Day Eve!

    1. Thanks, Limner -- yeah -- the envelopes and stamps do last, don't they? And in SF we often have too much fog to see the fireworks anyway. happy Independence Day to you too.

  10. Always so much fun to read your blogs! Thanks for the inspiration. My mail art for you did start its journey this week. It is a bit special, so I hope it will find you in the end. Thank you for being one of my mail art friends.

    1. Well, thank you so very much, Nina. And how exciting -- some special mail art from you. I hope the journey doesn't take too long because I could use some good mail. And thank you for being one of my mail art pals! And we got to meet in person too.

  11. Wow I just drooled looking at that collection probably the same way you drooled at my passport collection LOL. I can send you a red white and blue envelope from Australia if you want? PM me on facebook if you want to swap a postcard in an envelope with me

    1. Hi Bridget -- nice to see your name pop up here! I am still drooling over those passports you shared on my blog's FB page.

  12. What a fun postal celebration!🎆

  13. Pamela, Love this Red White and Blue posting. What a great selection you showed us. LOVE this eye candy!

    1. monicalee -- You would love it -- I know you love airmail envelopes too -- but why did you need me to get you some when your daughter gave you an entire box of them? Inquiring minds want to know! LOL

  14. As you can see I'm catching up on old posts. Our fourth of July was a lot like your typical SF weather. We closed all the windows and watched movies and I think I actually had to put on some socks. The funniest part is I also made a brisket on the 4th! (slow cooked in my oven)

    1. That sounds pretty cozy, Karen! But a brisket in July? Actually -- you may not believe it but I made a brisket on the 4th of July too -- in my slow cooker with BBQ sauce....
